File #: 2003-0144    Version: Name: Amend Code by adding and revising Chapter 2, Section 2-12. Qualification based selection procedures of architects and engineers
Type: Ordinance Status: Removed from Consideration
File created: 12/1/2003 In control: Parish Council
On agenda: 12/15/2003 Final action: 2/2/2004
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances, Parish of St. Charles, by adding and revising Chapter 2, Section 2-12. Qualification based selection procedures of architects and engineers.
Sponsors: Darnell 'Dee' Abadie, Barry Minnich
Indexes: QBS
Code sections: Ch. 2. Art. I. Sec. 2-12. - Procedures for the procurement of architects and engineers
Related files: 2008-0237, 2008-0269, 2010-0275
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
2/2/20042 Parish Council Removed from the TablePass Action details Meeting details Not available
2/2/20042 Parish Council Public Hearing Requirements Not Satisfied  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/2/20042 Parish Council Rmv'd from Consid.Pass Action details Meeting details Not available
1/13/20042 Parish Council Tabled.  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/15/20032 Parish Council Public Hearing Requirements Not Satisfied  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/15/20032 Parish Council Tabled.Pass Action details Meeting details Not available
12/1/20032 Parish Council Rmv'd and ReintroducedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
12/1/20032 Parish Council Publish/Scheduled for Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/17/20032 Parish Council Tabled.  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/3/20032 Parish Council Public Hearing Requirements Not Satisfied  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/3/20032 Parish Council Tabled.Pass Action details Meeting details Not available
10/20/20032 Council Member(s) Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/20/20032 Parish Council Publish/Scheduled for Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20031 Special Projects/Public Safety, Health and Environmental Committee Discussed.  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20031 Special Projects/Public Safety, Health and Environmental Committee ReferredPass Action details Meeting details Not available
4/23/20031 QBS Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee Discussed.  Action details Meeting details Not available
4/23/20031 QBS Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee Referred  Action details Meeting details Not available
ORDINANCE NO.                   
An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances, Parish of St. Charles, by adding and revising Chapter 2, Section 2-12. Qualification based selection procedures of architects and engineers.
      SECTION I.      That the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Section 2-12. Qualification based selection procedures of architects and engineers, is hereby amended by adding and revising the following:
Sec. 2-12. II. Submittals
(c)      The Director of the Department responsible for the project shall review each submittal for completeness.  Any submittal not complete shall be automatically disqualified.
Sec. 2-12. III. Review of Submittals
(b) (2) through (b) (4)
(b) (1)      The director of the Department responsible for the project shall provide a brief oral overview of the project to the Review Panel prior to the Panel beginning the rating process.
(b) (2)      Firms shall be rated in accordance with the approved rating sheet by the review panel members.
(b) (3)      In the event of a tie in step (1), the review panel ….
(b) (4)      Every firm shall divulge any partnerships, …
(b) (5)      The Parish Department will include a copy of the original Public Notice for the Review Panel to review.
Sec. 2-12. III. Review of Submittals
(d)      … The panel is encouraged to check references of the firm by telephone or letter, review the post-job critique(s), and the Department Check-List, if available. …
(e)      The review panel may desire to further examine the experience and qualifications of the "short listed" firms through personal interviews, by reviewing the post-job critiques, and the Department Check-List, if available. …
Sec. 2-12. IV. Special Provisions.
(e)      At the completion of each engineering job, the appropriate Parish Department head or designee shall complete a post-job critique.  These critiques will be used in the review of submittals as per Sec. 2-12. III (d) and (e).
(f)      The Director of the affected Parish Department shall review each QBS submittal with a pre-established Department check list.  This check list shall include but not limited to, the engineers hourly rate schedule, existing workload, past and/or current litigation with any public municipality, and accessibility.  The completed check list will be submitted to the review panel.
(g)      A copy of the original Public Notice for Professional Services shall be submitted to the QBS Review Panel members when the notice is advertised.
(h)      If at some time after the selection by the QBS panel of a firm for a specific project the scope of the project increases significantly (10% or greater), the Parish Department will notify the selected firm that the project must go back through a complete QBS review.  This would begin the submittal process under Sec. 2-12. II. Submittals.
Sec. 2-12. VI. Award.
(c)      If at any time prior to work beginning on a project the scope of the project increases significantly (10% or greater) the Parish Department must go back through the QBS review process.  The original firm awarded the contract will be advised of the cancellation of the contract and invited to participate in the new project.
Sec. 2-12. VII. Review Panel.
(a) Membership.
(1)      The review panel shall be composed of five (5) members and an alternate from each University.  The following members are appointed to serve thereon:
a.      The director of the …
b.      One (1) member and an alternate shall be filled …
c.      One (1) member and an alternate shall be filled …
d.      One (1) member and an alternate shall be filled …
e.      One (1) member and an alternate shall be filled …
The foregoing ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:
And the ordinance was declared adopted this            day of                       , 2004, to become effective five (5) days after publication in the Official Journal.
Amend Code Sec. 2-12.QBS
DLVD/PARISH PRESIDENT:_________________________________
APPROVED:______________ DISAPPROVED:__________________
PARISH PRESIDENT:______________________________________
AT:_______________ RECD BY: _____________________________