File #: 2009-0392    Version: 1 Name: Purchase or expropriate a 10' portion of ground over the rear of Lot 11 Block E, Magnolia Ridge Park Subdivision from Deborah Ory wife of/and Troy L. Major-Acorn & Sharon Streets Sewer Improvements Project
Type: Ordinance Status: Postponed (Council Rule 8)
File created: 10/5/2009 In control: Parish Council
On agenda: 10/19/2009 Final action: 11/16/2009
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: An ordinance to authorize the Parish President to purchase at a price not to exceed the highest appraised value of $1,771.00 or expropriate a 10' portion of ground over the rear of Lot 11 Block E, Magnolia Ridge Park Subdivision from Deborah Ory wife of/and Troy L. Major to be used in connection with Acorn Street and Sharon Street Sewer Improvements Project No. S050203.
Sponsors: V.J. St. Pierre Jr., Department of Legal Services
Indexes: Legal Services (Dept. of), Magnolia Ridge Park Subd., Boutte, SPW (Boutte Lift Station)
Attachments: 1. acorn sewer servitude_001.pdf, 2. Ory-Drawing.pdf
Related files: 2009-0391, 2010-0155, 2011-0191, 2008-0356, 2006-0399, 2006-0400
ORDINANCE NO.  _____________
An ordinance to authorize the Parish President to purchase at a price not to exceed the highest appraised value of $1,771.00 or expropriate a 10' portion of ground over the rear of Lot 11 Block E, Magnolia Ridge Park Subdivision from Deborah Ory wife of/and Troy L. Major to be used in connection with Acorn Street and Sharon Street Sewer Improvements Project No. S050203.
WHEREAS,      St. Charles Parish was awarded a Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $532,428.00 for construction and surveying services associated with Parish Project No. S050203 Sharon St. and Acorn St. Sewer Improvements; and,
WHEREAS,      in order to complete this project, it is necessary to purchase and/or expropriate from Deborah Ory wife of/and Troy L. Major. and/or its successors, property to be used for the installation of the sewer collection line, which said property is more fully described in Exhibit A attached hereto.
THE ST. CHARLES PARISH COUNCIL HEREBY ORDAINS, that the Parish President through the Department of Legal Services, is hereby authorized to purchase at a price not to exceed the highest appraised value of $1,771.00, and/or expropriate the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, to be used for the installation of the sewer collection line; further that the Parish President is hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to complete said purchase and/or expropriation; and further, that should the expropriation process be necessary, said expropriation should be in accordance with state law.
      The foregoing ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:
      And the ordinance was declared adopted this _______ day of _____________, 2009, and to become effective immediately.
DLVD/PARISH PRESIDENT:____________________________
APPROVED:______________ DISAPPROVED:_____________
PARISH PRESIDENT:_________________________________
AT:_______________ RECD BY: ________________________