File #: 2019-0018    Version: 1 Name: Award a Data Collection and Reporting Professional Services Agreement for the Upper Barataria Basin Risk Reduction Study, a critical part of the USACE Chief’s Report for UBBRR Levee Alignment
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File created: 1/22/2019 In control: Parish Council
On agenda: 2/4/2019 Final action: 2/4/2019
Enactment date: Enactment #: 19-2-5
Title: An ordinance requesting authorization for St. Charles Parish to award a Data Collection and Reporting Professional Services Agreement for the Upper Barataria Basin Risk Reduction Study, a critical part of the USACE Chief's Report for UBBRR Levee Alignment, SCP Project # P190101.
Sponsors: Lawrence 'Larry' Cochran, Department of Public Works
Indexes: Hurricane Protection Levee (WB - Upper Barataria Basin Risk Reduction), Public Works (Dept. of), U.S. Corps (Miscellaneous)
Attachments: 1. 2019-0018 Service Agreement Hwy 90 Resilience Study Rev 3 Cory Comments, 2. 2019-0018 Exhibit A Hwy 90 Resilience Study St Charles18p143 Rev 1, 3. 2019-0018 Final Ord 19-2-5 with agreement
Related files: 2012-0353, 2015-0262, 2018-0309



                                                               (DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS)

ORDINANCE NO. ___________


An ordinance requesting authorization for St. Charles Parish to award a Data Collection and Reporting Professional Services Agreement for the Upper Barataria Basin Risk Reduction Study, a critical part of the USACE Chief’s Report for UBBRR Levee Alignment, SCP Project # P190101.


WHEREAS,                     the USACE Chief’s report is needed in order to qualify for Federal Dollars for 100 Year Levee Flood Protection Projects.   This study will provide needed data to quality for a positive cost benefit to justify the 100 Year Levee Protection Projects; and,

WHEREAS,                     the Data Collection and Reports Services will consist of four major tasks.

1)                     Compile and Standardize Parish Economic and Traffic Data

2)                     Establish Vehicle Activity from Traffic Analysis for Modeling

3)                     Assessment of Economic Impact of Interrupted Use of Highway 90 and BNSF Rail Service through St Charles Parish, In-Parish and Wider Economic Areas

4)                     Documentation of Economic Impact of Interrupted Use of Highway 90 and BNSF Rail Service through St Charles Parish, In-Parish and Wider Economic Areas; and,

WHEREAS,                     the St Charles Parish USACE Chief’s Report Team to develop a final report for the justification of the Hwy 90 Alignment as being the most feasible and best cost benefit for the 100 Year Levee Alignment includes the SCP Levee Team, Planning & Zoning Department, Economic Development & Tourism Department, Engineering Consultant and Right of Way Consultant; and,

WHEREAS,                     the St Charles Parish USACE Chief’s Report Team has reviewed the proposal from Urban Systems Inc. to provide the Upper Barataria Basin Risk Reduction Study, a critical part of the USACE Chief’s Report for UBBRR Levee Alignment and recommends approval of the Agreement to include a 6 month time frame for completion of the Report from the execution of the Agreement and to set the maximum compensation lump sum amount at $142,000.00, per the Urban Systems Inc. proposal dated January 15, 2019.


SECTION I.                     That the Proposal from Urban Systems Inc. dated January 15, 2019 for the Upper Barataria Basin Risk Reduction Study is hereby approved and accepted in the amount of $142,000.00.

SECTION II.                     That the Parish President is hereby authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of St. Charles Parish.

The foregoing ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:





And the ordinance was declared adopted this ______ day of __________, 2019, to become effective five (5) days after publication in the Official Journal.





DLVD/PARISH PRESIDENT:                                                                                     

APPROVED :                       DISAPPROVED:                                           


PARISH PRESIDENT:                                                                                                          


AT:                        RECD BY: