Tribute: Honorable Clayton "Snookie" Faucheux, Councilman-At-Large, Division B
The Parish of St. Charles
December 17, 2007
Division B, Councilman-At-Large CLAYTON "SNOOKIE" FAUCHEUX is a lifelong resident of Luling. He is married to Deirdre Schexnayder and they are the proud parents of two sons, Clayton, III and Cory.
"Snookie" is completing his second term in Office. He was first elected to the Parish Council in 1999 as Councilman-At-Large, Division B and was re-elected to a second term in 2003. He is a 1977 graduate of Hahnville High School, attended the Texas A & M Total Quality Management Program, Quality Process of Theories, and ISO 9000 receiving a CSSM as certified by the American Society of Quality Controls as a business systems consultant. He graduated from the University of Phoenix with a BS in Business Management and a Project Management Certification. He was accepted to the New Orleans Regional Leadership Institute in 2001 and recognized as one of the top 40 leaders in the seven-parish area chosen to participate in a 12-month investigation into the economic growth potential of the Regional New Orleans area.
"Snookie" was elected to serve as Council Vice-Chairman in 2007 and as Council Chairman in 2002. He served as Chairman of the Special Projects/Public Safety, Health, and Environmental Committee and was a member of the Operations, Maintenance, and Construction Management Committee, Legislative Committee, Contract/Finance and Administrative Committee, Special Committee for Waterworks Treatment Plant, and the Cable Television Franchise Review Committee. He has been an alternate member of the River Region Caucus since July 2001.
"Snookie" served as Ex-Officio of the Housing Authority, was appointed to the Community Action Advisory Board as a Public Official Appointment representing the Parish Council, a member of the Reapportionment Committee, which was abolished in 2003, a member of the South Central Louisiana Solid Waste District, and the Joint Airport Committee. "Snookie" has served as the District 56A Republican State Central Committee Representative since 2004 and is a member of the Louisiana Police Jury Association and the National Association of County Officials.
"Snookie" was the First Loaned Executive from Motiva to the United Way of St. Charles in 2006, United Way Board Member, United Way Strategic Planning Strategic Committee Chairman, and has been involved in the St. Charles Business Association, St. Charles Cattlemen Association, St. Charles Soccer Association, and the St. Charles Farm Bureau Association.
created in 1807 from the county of the
"German Coast", a parish of
unprecedented economic and social
development, known for its
hospitality, rural living and sporting
opportunities… with the added
distinction of being located
on both sides of the
Mighty Mississippi River.