File #: 1999-4933    Version: Name: Amend Appendix A, by adding Subsection J. to Section VI, whereby establishing a zoning district for aviation uses
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File created: 10/4/1999 In control: Parish Council
On agenda: 12/6/1999 Final action: 12/6/1999
Enactment date: 12/6/1999 Enactment #: 99-12-3
Title: An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, the Parish of St. Charles Zoning Ordinance of 1981, by adding Subsection J. to Section VI, whereby establishing a zoning district for aviation uses to be identified as the AV-1 Aviation District.
Sponsors: Curtis T. Johnson, Sr., Department of Planning & Zoning
Indexes: Airport, P and Z (Dept. of)
Code sections: Appendix A. Section VI. - Zoning district criteria and regulations, Appendix A. Section XXI. - Sign Regulations, Appendix B. - New Orleans International Airport Hazard Zoning Ordinance
Attachments: 1. Minutes - December 2, 1999 Aviation, 2. Recommendation at a Glance Aviation, 3. PZO-99-30.recommendation, 4. PZO-99-30 minutes 100799, 5. 1999-4933 Final Ord 99-12-3
Related files: 2014-0101
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
12/9/19991 Parish President Approved by the Par. Pres.  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/6/19991 Parish Council ConsideredPass Action details Meeting details Not available
12/6/19992 Parish Council Public Hearing Requirements Satisfied  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/6/19992 Parish Council ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
12/2/19991 Department of Planning & Zoning Recommended Approval  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/2/19991 Planning Commission Recommended Approval  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/15/19991 Parish Council Public Hearing Requirements Not Satisfied  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/15/19991 Parish Council TabledFail Action details Meeting details Not available
11/15/19991 Parish Council Rmv'd and ReintroducedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
11/15/19991 Parish Council Publish/Scheduled for Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/2/19991 Parish Council Removed from the TablePass Action details Meeting details Not available
11/2/19991 Parish Council Rmv'd and ReintroducedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
10/18/19991 Parish Council TabledPass Action details Meeting details Not available
10/7/19991 Department of Planning & Zoning Tabled  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/7/19991 Planning Commission Tabled  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/4/19991 Council Member(s) Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/4/19991 Parish Council Publish/Scheduled for Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
(Department of Planning & Zoning)
ORDINANCE NO.___________
      An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, the Parish of St. Charles Zoning Ordinance of 1981, by adding Subsection J. to Section VI, whereby establishing a zoning district for aviation uses to be identified as the AV-1 Aviation District.
WHEREAS,      The St. Charles Parish Council desires to implement zoning criteria specific to aviation uses; and,
WHEREAS,      such zoning criteria will ensure compatibility of aviation uses with surrounding land uses; and,
WHEREAS,      the effect of these land use regulations shall guide the safe and uniform development of future aviation uses and expansions to existing uses in St. Charles Parish.
SECTION I.      That the St. Charles Parish Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section VI. is hereby amended through the addition of Subsection J, (Aviation District).  The subsection will read as follows:
J.      AV-1.      Aviation District
Policy statement
This district provides for airports, airfields, airstrips, aviation-related facilities and compatible industrial operations of all types.  Certain aviation-related uses and other uses which may require compliance with certain conditions to ensure compatibility with other land uses in the district and in St. Charles Parish as a whole are permitted only conditionally, as provided herein.  Residential uses are specifically excluded, except for airport hotel facilities and overnight facilities on the premises for employed public safety personnel, watchmen and/or caretakers.
1.      Use Regulations:
a.      Only the following uses are authorized as permitted uses within land specified as AV-1 (Aviation District):
(1)      All uses permitted in the C-3 zoning district, subject to C-3 regulations.
(2)      Airports (exclusive of any use listed or described in Subsection J.2. of this section as a special permit use) and the following facilities and services when developed, maintained, and/or operated as components of an airport.
a.      airport terminals, including concourses, existing as of the effective date of the ordinance by which this Amendment was first adopted, provided that any change to an airport terminal and/or concourse that alters its footprint, increases its square footage, and/or increases the height of its structural elements is not permitted,
b.      food service,
c.      beverage service,
d.      vehicle rental,
e.      uses within an airport terminal and/or concourse that are compatible with and appropriate to the general purpose of such a facility,
f.      hotels,
g.      bus stops,
h.      parking lots and garages (not including connections to or intersections with parish streets, roads and/or other parish public ways outside the airport perimeter),
i.      airport fences,
j.      interior airport roads (not including connections to or intersections with parish streets, road and/or other parish public ways outside the airport perimeter),
k.      warehouses,
l.      airport fire prevention, suppression, and training facilities, and
m.      airport administration and security offices.
(3)      Metal works and machine shops.
(4)      Cold storage warehouses.
(5)      Electrical power plants, light and power substations, and other public utilities drainage, sewage, waterworks, sewerage treatment plants and similar facilities, when mandated by the Parish of St. Charles or its governing authority.
(6)      Monopoles, aerials, antennas, transmission towers, masts, and communications equipment shelters subject to the requirements and restriction found in Appendix B, Section X, Subsection G of the Zoning Ordinance of 1981.
(7)      Pumping stations, exclusive of fuel pumping stations.
(8)      Relay stations.
(9)      Produce warehouses and other warehouses if their use is related to air transportation.
(10)      Welding Shops.
(11)      Major roadway construction approved by the local governing authority of St. Charles Parish.
(12)      Utilities, roadways, lighting, and signage intended or designed to serve as or be an accessory to the uses listed in this subsection.
b.  A sign is permitted in the AV-1 Aviation District shall comply to Appendix A, Section XXI. G required for on-premise signs.
2.      Special Permit Uses.
The following uses are prohibited unless and until specifically authorized by a special permit use granted pursuant to approval of the St. Charles Planning and Zoning Commission with a supporting resolution of the Parish Council:
(1) Taxiways, or any extension thereof.
(2)      Airfields, or any extension thereof.
(3)      Runways, or any extension thereof.
(4)      Aviation aprons, or any extension thereof.
(5)      Airstrips, or any extension thereof.
(6)      Airport terminals and/or concourses not existing as of the effective date of the ordinance by which this amendment was first adopted; and any change to an airport terminal and/or concourse, the effect of which may result in an alteration to its footprint, an increase in its square footage, and/or an increase in the height of its structural elements.
(7)      Rail terminals
(8)      Connections or intersections of the exits and/or entrances of garages and/or parking lots and/or of airport interior roads with parish roads, streets, and/or other parish public ways.
(9)      Tramways
(10)      Intermodal transportation facilities
(11)      Air cargo facilities
(12)      Hangars
(13)      Heliports
(14)      Helistops
(15)      Railroads, railway yards and other related appurtenances.
(16)      Fuel gas storage, if the use is developed in accordance with, and complies fully with all state and federal regulations.
(17)      Fuel gas distribution stations, if the use is developed in accordance with, and complies fully with all state and federal regulations.
(18)      Gasoline storage and distribution, if the use is developed in accordance with, and complies fully with all state and federal regulations.
(19)      Any use which is permitted in an M-1 Light-Industrial District.
(20)      Any utilities, roadways, lighting, signage, drainage and/or fuel facilities intended to or designed to serve or be an accessory to any other use listed in this Section.
(21)      Electrical power plants, light and power substations, and other public utilities, drainage, sewage, waterworks, sewerage treatment plants and similar facilities, when not mandated by St. Charles Parish or its governing authority.
(22)      Use, or designation or preparation for use, of any area of an airport for emergency purposes that may have the potential to affect the health, welfare and safety of person inside and/or outside the perimeter or an airport.
(23)      Red label chemicals and products as defined by O.S.H.A. production and storage, if the use is developed in accordance with, and complies fully with all state and federal regulations regarding hazardous or obnoxious uses.
(24)      Any other use which may, by ordinance be specially authorized as a hazardous and obnoxious use in an M-1 Light-Industrial District, provided that such hazardous and obnoxious uses comply fully with all state and federal regulations regarding hazardous or obnoxious uses.
2.      Height and Area Regulations
a.      Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, except as otherwise provided in this Article, no area regulation, no setback regulations, no yard regulations, no prohibition on building more than one structure on a lot, and no prohibitions on building a structure on more than one lot shall apply to any land parcel or lot in an AV-1 Aviation District, except that on any lot or parcel of land in an AV-1 Aviation District that fronts on and/or is bounded by any public way or that shares a boundary with property not located in an AV-1 Aviation District.  No structure shall be constructed, placed, or extended within 1000 feet of any public way.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parish Council, within its sound discretion, may in an ordinance approving a conditional use require subdivision or resubdivision as a condition precedent to the effectiveness of a special use permit.
b.      Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, no height restrictions shall apply in the AV-1 Aviation District except those imposed by Appendix B, Section IV, regarding airport zone height limitations, and/or by applicable federal law and regulations.
c.      Lot Area: a lot in the district shall be a minimum of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet with a minimum width of one hundred (100) feet).
d.      Notwithstanding any provisions within this amendment, no airport, airfield, airstrip, and/or similar aviation use or any structure associated with such a use shall be permitted unless they comply with state or federal regulations.
3.      Special Provisions:
a.      In addition to complying with the regulations of this amendment, all uses of property within the AV-1 Aviation District shall comply with all applicable and enforceable FAA regulations.  In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this ordinance and FAA regulations, the provisions of this ordinance shall prevail, except to the extent that federal law may require otherwise.
4.      Procedure: The procedures for application for a special use permit and the criteria for deciding to grant or deny such an application are set forth in Appendix B, Section VII.
5.      Prohibited Uses:
a.      Aviation services not permitted in Appendix B, New Orleans International Airport Hazard Zoning Ordinance.
SECTION II.  That the St. Charles Parish Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section VI, D.[II] M-2 Heavy Manufacturing and Industry: 1.a.(5) Airports, be removed.
SECTION III.  That the St. Charles Parish Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section XXI. Sign Regulations. G. be amended as the following:      
2.      On premises signs in the C, M, and AV-1 districts shall be allowed at the rate of one (1) square foot of sign area for each foot of frontage of the site for each two hundred (200) feet of frontage or fraction thereof.
6.  On premise signs in the CR-1, C-1, C-2, C-3, M-S, M-1, M-2, M-3, and AV-1 districts shall be limited height to thirty (30) feet, unless further restricted by other provisions of these regulations.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE ST. CHARLES PARISH COUNCIL, do hereby provide that the Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Parish of St. Charles, State of Louisiana be amended through the addition of Subsection J, (Aviation District).
The foregoing ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:
And the ordinance was declared adopted this____ day of _______, 1999, to become effective five (5) days after publication in the Official Journal.
AV-1 ZoneSR
CHAIRMAN: ________________________________________
SECRETARY: _______________________________________
DLVD/PARISH PRESIDENT: ___________________________
APPROVED: ____________ DISAPPROVED: ______________
PARISH PRESIDENT: _________________________________
RETD/SECRETARY: __________________________________
AT: _____________ RECD BY: __________________________