ORDINANCE NO. ________
An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 22 Sewer and Sewerage Disposal Article IV to amend Section 80, User Charges and Connection Charges.
WHEREAS, Ordinance 85-8-8, amended by Ordinance 01-1-1, set forth that all persons connected into the Parish wastewater system enjoy a twenty percent (20%) reduction in sewer/wastewater charges on their water bill. This deduction was to compensate users for water consumed but, which did not enter the wastewater system to be treated (i.e. watering lawns, washing cars, etc.); and,
WHEREAS, 2nd Residential Meters for Irrigation were obtained, in addition to the Residential Meter, for the external consumption of water and have no charges other than the consumption of water since no water enters the wastewater system; and,
WHEREAS, With the use of a 2nd Residential Meters for Irrigation the entire water consumption from the Residential Meters enters the wastewater system for treatment; therefore the Parish believes that the 20% deduction currently in effect should be reduced to 10% for those persons where a 2nd Residential Meters for Irrigation is being used in conjunction with a Residential Meters.
SECTION I. That the Code of Ordinances be amended by replacing Section 22-80 (1) (b) with the below language:
Sec. 22-80. User charges and connection charges.
(1) (b) Calculation of bills for Residential users
(1). Residential Users
(a). Billing period charges for each account shall be calculated as follows:
(Wu × Ur × 80%) + 3.00 = Uc
Wu = Water use in 1,000's of gallons during the billing period as determined by Parish's Department of Waterworks.
Ur = User charge rate in dollars per 1,000 gallons of use.
Uc = Billing period sewer use charge.
80% = The percentage of water usage which enters the wastewater system
The minimum monthly charge for all users shall be three dollars ($3.00).
(b) Residences with a 2nd Residential Meter for Irrigation. Those users who have applied for a 2nd Residential Meter for Irrigation for the external consumption of water which does not enter the wastewater system prior to January 31, 2014, the billing period charges for the Residential Meter account shall be calculated as follows:
(Wu × Ur× 90%) + 3.00 = Uc
Those users who applies for a 2nd Residential Meter for Irrigation for the external consumption of water which does not enter the wastewater system after January 31, 2014 or if water service is reinstated at current address with a new account, the billing period charges for the Residential Meter account shall be calculated as follows:
(Wu × Ur) + 3.00 = Uc
Wu = Water use in 1,000's of gallons during the billing period as determined by the Parish's Department of Waterworks.
Ur = User charge rate in dollars per 1,000 gallons of use.
Uc = Billing period sewer use charge.
The minimum monthly charge for all users shall be three dollars ($3.00).
(2) Calculation of bills for Industrial Users and Commercial Users. All billing period charges for standard meter account shall be calculated as in Sec 22-80.(1).(b).(1).(b). above.
The foregoing ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:
And the ordinance was declared adopted this day of , 2014, to become effective (5) days after publication in the Official Journal.
2014-0004 Revised Ordinance - Irrigation meter
DLVD/PARISH PRESIDENT:____________________________
APPROVED:______________ DISAPPROVED:_____________
PARISH PRESIDENT:_________________________________
AT:_______________ RECD BY: ________________________