File #: 2024-0214    Version: Name: Amend Code , Appendix A, Section VI., Section VIII., and Section XXI. to add the Highway 90 Corridor Overlay Zone (COZ), criteria for site plans and site plan review, and recommended sign definitions
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File created: 7/22/2024 In control: Parish Council
On agenda: 8/5/2024 Final action: 8/5/2024
Enactment date: Enactment #: 24-8-2
Title: An ordinance to amend the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Appendix A, as amended, Section VI. Zoning district criteria and regulations.; Section VIII. Site design requirements.; Section XXI. Sign Regulations.; to add the Highway 90 Corridor Overlay Zone (COZ), to add criteria for site plans and site plan review, and to add recommended sign definitions.
Sponsors: Matthew Jewell, Department of Planning & Zoning
Indexes: Highway Dept. (Hwy. 90 Overlay Zone Project), P and Z (Dept. of)
Code sections: Appendix A. Section VI. - Zoning district criteria and regulations, Appendix A. Section VIII. - Site plan review and design requirements, Appendix A. Section XXI. - Sign Regulations
Attachments: 1. 2024-0214 RECOMMENDATIONS AT A GLANCE, 2. 2024-0214 Minutes, 3. 2024-0214 AERIAL, 4. 2024-0214 Staff Report, 5. DRAFT JULY ARTICLE_I.___IN_GENERAL, 6. DRAFT JULY ARTICLE_II.___ABANDONED__JUNKED_OR_WRECKED_VEHICLES, 7. LEGISLATIVE HWY 90 OVERLAY Ord 2024-1 - Copy, 8. 2024-0214 Ord 2024-1-ORD, 9. 7.22.2024 Agenda with Attachments Final, 10. 2024-0214 Final Ord 24-8-2
Related files: 2024-0269




ORDINANCE NO.  _________


An ordinance to amend the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Appendix A, as amended, Section VI. Zoning district criteria and regulations.; Section VIII. Site design requirements.; Section XXI. Sign Regulations.; to add the Highway 90 Corridor Overlay Zone (COZ), to add criteria for site plans and site plan review, and to add recommended sign definitions.


WHEREAS,                     the St. Charles Parish 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, Action Plan item CC 1.3 directs the Parish to “conduct a corridor plan for Highway 90 to address design standards for the corridor” (p. 163); and,

WHEREAS,                     Ordinance 23-4-12 adopted on April 24, 2023, by the St. Charles Parish Council, approved and authorized the execution of a Professional Services Agreement with N-Y Associates, Inc., to perform professional services for the Highway 90 Overlay Zone project, in the not to exceed amount of $150,320.00, to develop a Highway 90 Overlay Zone; and,

WHEREAS,                     N-Y Associates in coordination with the Department of Planning and Zoning developed the recommendations detailed in the document titled St. Charles Parish Corridor Overlay Zone (COZ), revised 6/07/24; and,

WHEREAS,                     recommendations include design standards specific to the Highway 90 corridor between the I-310 North on-ramp in Boutte and Willowdale Boulevard in Luling, improved standards for site plans and the site plan review process for applicable projects Parish wide, and adding corresponding definitions to the St. Charles Parish sign regulations; and,

WHEREAS,                     adoption of the proposed Corridor Overlay Zone would fulfill Action Plan item CC 1.3 and further implementation of the St. Charles Parish 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update; and,

WHEREAS,                     the Planning and Zoning Department recommended approval of these amendments; and,

WHEREAS,                     the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of these amendments at its regular meeting on July 11, 2024.


SECTION I.                     That the Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section VI. Zoning district criteria and regulations. is amended by adding new text underlined and deleted text in strikethrough:

L.                     Corridor Overlay Zone (COZ):


1.                     General:


1.1                                          Purpose

The purpose of the Corridor Overlay Zone (COZ) is to revitalize transportation corridors for the citizens of St. Charles Parish by superimposing an overlay zone with standards for façade, landscaping and buffering, signs and other design elements to improve appearance, function, safety and resilience.  These design elements are intended to reduce the amount of paved surface, increase landscaping to beautify the corridor, guide traffic, minimize the impact of development on the parish drainage system, provide buffers to neighboring residences, upgrade the façade of commercial structures, reduce sign clutter, and coordinate signage with green space. The COZ requirements are triggered by new construction and major renovation or additions.


1.2                      District Limits

The Highway 90 COZ includes all lots either directly abutting or accessed from U.S. Highway 90 between the I-310 North on-ramp in Boutte and Willowdale Boulevard in Luling.




1.3                                          Applicability

1.3.1.                     The COZ superimposes design elements and sign standards in addition to requirements set in the underlying zoning district.  Development and structures within the overlay zone must conform to the requirements of both the zoning district and the overlay zone, or the more restrictive of the two.


1.3.2.                     Development activities that involve new construction, major renovation or addition, or change in permitted uses that requires an increase in the number of parking and loading spaces trigger compliance to the COZ, as set under item 5.2, Triggers for Compliance of this ordinance.


1.3.3.                     Permitted Uses

a.                     Permitted uses within the COZ shall be those uses allowed in the underlying zoning district.

b.                     All permitted uses except single-family and two-family dwellings shall be required to comply with the COZ.


1.3.4.                     Height Regulations

Height regulations in the COZ shall be set by the underlying zoning district.


1.3.5.                     Area Regulations

Area regulations for front, side and rear yards and lot area shall be set by the underlying zoning district.


2.                     Parking Requirements:

2.1.                     Off-street parking requirements, including the landscaping thereof, are set in Section 3, Design Standards, of this ordinance and Section VIII, Site plan review and design requirements of the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance.


2.2.                     In addition, parking spaces shall be oriented so that no vehicle is required to back directly into the highway or street right-of-way.


3.                     Design Standards:

Design standards in the COZ are intended to improve the quality and functionality of development as outlined under 1.1 Purpose of this ordinance.


3.1.                     Landscaping and Buffering

Landscaping and buffering provisions set in this section of the COZ are in addition to general landscaping standards established in Section VIII, Site plan review and design requirements of the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance.


3.1.1.                     General

a.                     All landscaping materials within the COZ shall be in accordance with standards for size, height, diameter at breast height and species set in Section VIII, Site plan review and design Requirements of the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance.

b.                     Maintenance Plan

i.                     A maintenance plan for landscaping and buffering shall be required for major development activities within the COZ. The maintenance plan shall contain a schedule of regular waterings, fertilization, removal of dead vegetation, and replacement with similar plantings to the original approved landscaping plan. The maintenance plan should also address repair or replacement of damaged fences or walls required in the COZ.  The maintenance plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 

ii.                     Following issuance of the permit and proper installation of the landscaping and buffering, the property owner shall be required to follow the approved maintenance plan.  If dead vegetation is not replaced, and/or damaged fences or walls are not repaired or replaced within thirty (30) days of being notified by St. Charles Parish officials, the property owner shall be placed in violation of the zoning ordinance and fined accordingly.

c.                     All landscaped areas shall contain a minimum six-inch (6”) barrier curb to protect and demarcate vegetation.

d.                     The developer shall be credited with preserving existing mature trees on the development site of a significant species as determined by the Planning Director.  For every mature tree or group of mature trees preserved and incorporated into the required COZ landscaping plan, the required number of trees that must be planted may be reduced by a one-to-one ratio.


3.1.2.                     Perimeter

a.                     All required yards shall be landscaped in the COZ.  Landscaped areas shall contain a minimum of one (1) tree for every thirty-five feet (35’) of linear lot frontage or portion thereof. Additionally, all landscaped areas shall contain one (1) shrub for every ten feet (10’) of linear lot frontage or portion thereof.  The required number of shrubs may be grouped.

b.                     No building or structure, parking or paving shall be allowed in the required front yard except for sidewalks or approved driveways connecting the development site to the adjacent highway or street.

c.                     Side yards may contain access driveways to connect adjacent development sites for the purpose of improving access management.


3.1.3.                     Interior

a.                     In order to distribute landscaping throughout the interior of the development, one (1) landscaped island shall be provided for every twenty-four hundred square feet (2400 SF) or portion thereof, consisting of a minimum size of ten feet (10’) by twenty feet (20’).

b.                     Each required landscaped island shall contain a minimum of one (1) tree, three (3) shrubs and groundcover or mulch.


3.1.4.                     Residential Buffering

a.                     A minimum 10-foot buffer shall be required when commercial uses abut residential areas with screening consisting of a wood, brick or masonry fence or wall seven feet (7’) in height and trees planted every thirty-five feet (35’) or portion thereof. 

b.                     For large commercial structures of 25,000 (twenty-five thousand) square feet or more, additional landscaping and buffering may be required as determined by the Planning Director.


3.2.                     Façade

These façade standards are intended to develop visually interesting architectural features and patterns and a higher quality of design for commercial buildings along the corridor.  This includes but is not limited to the use of roofing materials appropriate to the architectural style of the building, transparent features that avoid fortress-like, uninviting front building façades, and clearly defined, highly visible building entrances featuring awnings and other architectural features.


3.2.1.                     Exterior Building Materials

a.                     All building façades shall be constructed of one or a combination of brick, concrete aggregate, stucco, glass, wood or decorative/faced concrete and masonry.

b.                     No portion of a building shall be constructed of plain, unfaced concrete masonry units, corrugated and/or sheet metal, or mirrored glass.

c.                     Large monolithic or solid building façades visible to the corridor or public rights-of-way shall be prohibited.  Variations in building façades in materials, color, projecting or recessed forms and/or texture may be employed to break up building forms and wall surfaces at a minimum of every fifty (50) feet.

d.                     Moldings, cornices, shutters, metalwork and other decorative features in scale with the development are encouraged.

e.                     All commercial buildings shall be architecturally finished on all four sides with the same materials, color, detailing and features, except if the rear face contains two rows of trees planted on the perimeter behind the building.  In this case, the architectural finish of the building need only match the remainder of the building in color.

f.                     Additions to existing structures may be constructed with the same type of material that is on the primary building, provided it matches the existing building material in color, size and thickness.


3.2.2.                     Exterior Colors

a.                     All building elevations shall be finished with complimentary neutral, cream or non-reflective earthtone colors.

b.                     No more than twenty percent (20%) of any building elevation may be finished with bright primary or secondary colors.  These colors shall be limited to use on accent features including but not limited to window and door frames, moldings, cornices, and awnings.

c.                     This percentage may be modified upon approval by the Planning Director in special cases if the building’s elevation maintains sufficient visual continuity.


3.2.3.                     Roofs

a.                     Slate, synthetic slate, architectural grade fiberglass shingles, cement-like shingles and standing seam metal roofs are permitted. 

b.                     Earth tone colors such as black, gray, brown, dark green or other earth tone colors are permitted.

c.                     Regardless of material, bright or glaring roof colors are not permitted.


3.2.4.                     Transparency

a.                     At least thirty-five percent (35%) of the front façade shall be transparent, including doorways.

b.                     Windows and doors shall not be obscured by signage or other impediments.


3.2.5.                     Building Entrances

a.                     Backlit or plastic awnings are not permitted. 

3.2.6.                     Canopies

a.                     Building and roof materials for canopies shall match building materials used in the primary building.

b.                     The height of canopies shall not exceed the height of the primary building.

c.                     Canopy supports shall be proportional to the design and canopy size.

d.                     Canopy colors shall blend in with and be consistent with the primary building.

e.                     Bright or glaring colors are not permitted.

f.                     Canopy lighting must be designed to minimize glare from fixtures and installed to prevent spill over onto the corridor or adjacent properties.


3.3.                     Accessory Facilities and Features


3.3.1.                     Light Fixtures

a.                     The maximum height for any light fixture is twenty-five (25) feet.

b.                     Lighting shall be oriented inward, toward the development or structures, to minimize intrusion into surrounding property.

c.                     Light fixtures shall be incorporated within landscaped areas.


3.3.2.                     Service Areas and Waste Containment

a.                     Service bays, loading and unloading areas, dumpsters and waste containment areas shall be located outside of the front yard. When these areas are adjacent to residential development, a minimum 10-foot setback with fencing and landscaping is required as set under item 3.1.4 of this ordinance.

b.                     Service bays, loading and unloading areas, dumpsters and waste containment areas shall be screened by a wood, brick, or masonry fence with a minimum height of seven feet (7’). This fence is in addition to perimeter landscape requirements set in this section.  Only one (1) fence is required if mechanical equipment and utility cabinets are located adjacent to the service area.

c.                     Service bays, loading and unloading areas, dumpsters and waste containment areas shall be oriented in such a way that in the process of loading and unloading, no vehicle will block the passage of other vehicles on the service drive or extend into any other public or private street.

d.                     All dumpsters and waste containment areas shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 10, Garbage and Trash, of the St. Charles Parish Code of Ordinances. In situations where the regulations of that chapter and the regulations of this article are in conflict, the more restrictive shall apply.


3.3.3.                      Drive-Thru Facilities

Drive-thru facilities shall be located to the side or rear of the structure.


3.3.4.                     Outdoor Storage Areas

Outdoor storage and permanent display areas shall be located behind the primary front building line of the principal structure.


3.3.5.                     Mechanical Equipment and Utility Cabinets

a.                     Mechanical equipment and utility cabinets shall be located on the roof or at the rear of the building if ground-mounted equipment is used. 

b.                     Roof parapet or roof forms are encouraged as an effective screen for mechanical equipment mounted on the roof.

c.                     If ground mounted, mechanical equipment and utility cabinets shall be screened by a wood, brick, or masonry fence or wall with a minimum height of seven (7) feet. This fence is in addition to perimeter landscape requirements set in this section. 


4.                     Sign Regulations:

The sign regulations are designed to reduce the size, height and number of signs and integrate detached signage within landscaped areas while providing for the identification of businesses within the corridor.  The COZ sign regulations are in addition to Section XXI. Sign Regulations of the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance and whichever is more restrictive shall apply. A summary table of COZ sign regulations is included at the end of this section.


4.1.                     Detached Signs


4.1.1.                     Primary Detached Sign

a.                     One (1) primary on-premise detached sign shall be allowed per development in the COZ, either as a ground or monument sign.  The allowable area for the detached sign shall be calculated at one square foot (1 SF) for each one-foot (1’) of linear site frontage or portion thereof up to three hundred square feet (300 SF), whichever is less.  The maximum height of the detached sign shall be twenty-five feet (25’).

b.                     The detached sign must be located within a landscaped area.

c.                     Detached signage shall complement the building’s architectural style with respect to shape, color and materials.

d.                     The primary detached sign may be multi-faced. The allowable sign area for a multi-faced detached sign is divided across each sign face.  For a sign allowed the maximum 300 square feet of sign area, each face of a double-faced sign may consist of 150 square feet.


4.1.2.                     Monument Sign

a.                     If the primary on premise sign is a monument, the allowable area shall be calculated at one square foot (1 SF) for each one-foot (1’) of linear site frontage or portion thereof up to two hundred square feet (200 SF), whichever is less.  The maximum height shall be ten feet (10’).

b.                     The square footage of the support structure of the monument shall be included in the measurements to calculate the maximum allowable sign area.

c.                     If a monument sign is employed as the primary detached sign, the development is allowed an additional twenty percent (20%) in attached signage. 

d.                     No other primary detached sign shall be permitted.


4.1.3.                     Accessory Detached Signs

Accessory detached signs including directional, menu boards and electronic message center signs, may be allowed to support the functionality of the development:

a.                     Directional Signs

Each development site may have up to two (2) directional signs to demarcate the entrance and exit to and from the site at a maximum height of four feet (4’) and no more than four square feet (4 SF) each in area.


b.                     Menu Boards

Each development site may have up to two (2) menu boards for drive-through facilities at a maximum height of ten feet (10’) and no more than twenty square feet (20 SF) in area.  If the menu boards are oriented on the same side of the property as residential development, the additional landscaping requirements specified under item 3.1.4 of this ordinance apply. Additionally, the menu boards must be visibly and audibly buffered so as not to intrude on the residential development.

c.                     Electronic Message Center

One (1) electronic message center sign may be permitted in the COZ, provided the electronic message sign is physically integrated into the primary detached sign and contains no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the allowable detached sign area. Additionally, the electronic message sign shall not contain text that flashes or rotates.


4.2.                     Attached Signs


4.2.1.                     Primary Attached Signs

a.                     Attached signage shall be allowed at one square foot (1 SF) for each two feet (2’) of linear primary building frontage not to exceed three hundred square feet (300 SF).  The attached sign area is calculated by combining the areas of all of the signs that are physically attached to the primary building face.

b.                     Additional attached signage is allowed on the primary building frontage on building sites with greater setbacks from rights-of-way as follows:

100 to 199-foot setback: 20% of the linear primary building frontage

200-foot plus setback: 25% of the linear primary building frontage


4.2.2.                     Accessory Attached Signs

a.                     Accessory Attached Sign on Corner Lot

In addition to the main attached signage noted above, a smaller attached sign may also be permitted on the secondary building face located on a corner lot. The allowable secondary attached sign may be permitted at one square foot (1 SF) for each two feet (2’) of linear secondary building frontage, not to exceed one-hundred square feet (100 SF).

b.                     Address Sign

All developments shall provide an address sign to identify the physical address of the building for emergency services. This mandatory address sign shall be prominently located at the primary entrance of the building at a minimum of six inches (6”) in height with an area no larger than six square feet (6 SF).

c.                     Incidental Signs

i.                     Incidental small attached signs may also be permitted in the COZ.  These incidental signs include a small attached sign or signs at the primary door or entrance to the building at a maximum total allowable area of four square feet (4 SF) to identify the name of the business, contact information, hours of operation and/or whether the business is opened or closed.  These small incidental signs are not to be included the main attached sign area.

ii.                     In order to eliminate clutter within the COZ, window signs will not be considered incidental signs and are prohibited.

d.                     Other Accessory Attached Signs

Other accessory attached signs that may be included in the total allowable attached sign area are fascia, marquee, awning and wall signs.


4.3.                     Temporary Signs

Temporary signs shall be allowed in the COZ under provisions set in Section XXI. D. Signs To Be Allowed Without a Permit, of the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance.


4.4.                     Non-Conforming Signs

Signs permitted legally prior to the implementation of the COZ shall be considered non-conforming for the purposes of this ordinance.  Changes to existing legal non-conforming signs that trigger compliance are specified under item 5.2.6 of this ordinance.


4.5.                     Prohibited Signs

The following signs shall be prohibited in the COZ:

-                     General advertising or off-premise signs

-                     Flashing, moving or rotating signs

-                     Portable signs

-                     Projecting signs

-                     Window signs

-                     Banner signs, unless allowed as a temporary sign for a limited time frame

-                     Signs not supported by a sign structure or not located on an exterior wall of a primary building, such as signs affixed to fences, etc.

-                     Signs not specified as permitted detached or attached signs in the COZ








Ground Sign



Up to 300 SF based on linear site frontage, double faced signs maximum 150 SF each face.

Monument Sign



Up to 200 SF based on linear site frontage, allowed additional attached signage with a monument detached sign.

Directional Signs



4 SF

Menu Boards



20 SF per sign, must be located outside of the required yard areas and visually and audibly buffered from residential development.


Primary Attached Sign



Up to 300 SF, based on primary linear building frontage   Additional sign area allowed with larger setbacks:  100 - 199-foot setback: 20% of the primary linear building frontage  200-foot plus setback: 25% of the primary linear building frontage


Corner Lot



Smaller secondary sign up to 100 SF, based on the secondary linear building frontage




Up to 6 SF




Up to 4 SF




Included in allowable primary attached sign area

5.                     Implementation and Administration:


5.1.                     Existing Developments and Structures

Developments and structures existing prior to adoption of the COZ that do not undergo new construction, major renovation or additions shall be deemed legally non-conforming with respect to the COZ.


5.2.                     Triggers for Compliance

Any of the following development activities on property located within the COZ shall trigger compliance to the COZ requirements:


5.2.1.                     New construction, including support buildings, outparcels and structures.


5.2.2.                     Renovation to 50 percent or more of the gross floor area of the existing development.


5.2.3.                     Addition that equals 50 percent or more of the gross floor area of the existing development, including the construction of parking lots.


5.2.4.                     Change in permitted uses that requires an increase in the number of parking and loading spaces.


5.2.5.                     Building or Structures Destroyed by Fire, Storm, or Other Acts of God:

Legal non-conforming structures that are destroyed by fire, storm or other Acts of God may be rebuilt within the COZ provided the restoration is accomplished within one year from the date of the destruction and there is no increase in the building footprint immediately prior to the damage.  Redevelopment of the subject site must also follow the COZ requirements to the greatest extent practicable with due consideration of provisions for space limitations of existing structures and improvements set under item 5.3 of this ordinance.


5.2.6.                     Non-Conforming Signs

a.                     Renovation of 50 percent or more of the existing sign(s).

b.                     Damage to 50 percent or more of the existing sign(s) by fire, storm or other Acts of God.

c.                     Reconstruction, alteration or any mechanical modifications of existing sign(s) including permitted electrical work.

d.                     Routine maintenance of existing signs is permitted including changing the face(s) of the sign(s).

e.                     Non-conforming signs left abandoned for more than 12 months must be removed or brought into conformance with the sign requirements of the COZ.


5.3.                     Space Limitations of Existing Structures

The COZ shall provide flexibility for major renovation or additions to development existing prior to its implementation. When any of the conditions for compliance listed under item 5.2 paragraphs 5.2.2 to 5.2.4 above are triggered, an existing development or structure shall comply with COZ requirements to the maximum extent practicable subject to space limitations of existing structures and improvements in accordance with the general intent of the COZ.  Removal of an existing structure or required legal off-street parking space will not be required in order to comply with the COZ.



5.4.                     Changes to Multi-Tenant Centers


5.4.1.                     When a multi-tenant center undergoes any of the development activities triggering compliance to the COZ in accordance with item 5.2 of this ordinance, the owner of the multi-tenant center must submit a master plan to the Planning Director demonstrating how planned improvements to the development site will meet COZ requirements.


5.4.2.                     Minor interior improvements to individual tenant spaces within the multi-tenant center that do not impact the exterior appearance or footprint of the multi-tenant center will not be considered a trigger for compliance to the COZ.


5.5.                     Site Plan Review

Site plan review is required for developments and structures within the COZ when any of the development activities listed under item 5.2 of this ordinance trigger compliance.  Prior to the issuance of a building permit, complete site plans with the information required in Section VIII. Site plan review and design requirements, of the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted to the St. Charles Parish Department of Planning and Zoning for review. Section VIII. of the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance also specifies the required site plan approval process, minor changes or amendment to a site plan, and phased development.


6.                     Enforcement:

Any deviation from an approved COZ site plan shall be considered a violation of the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance and subject to the penalties imposed in Section XII. Violation and penalty.


7.                     Appeal:

Appeal of a decision of the Planning Director regarding the COZ shall be directed to the St. Charles Parish Planning Commission.


SECTION II.                     That the Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section VIII. Site design requirements. is hereby amended with new text underlined and deleted text in strikethrough:


Section VIII. Site plan review and design requirements.


Purpose: The regulations of this section are intended to ensure the safe, orderly, and convenient development of the built environment.


Applicability: The requirements of this section shall apply to new construction. For existing sites and redevelopment the requirements of this section shall apply to all additions of fifty (50) percent or more to the floor area. For existing sites and redevelopment with additions of less than fifty (50) percent of the floor area, the Zoning Regulatory Administrator shall determine the applicability of this section to the required site plan.


A.                     Site Plan Submittals:

Prior to the issuance of a building permit, complete site plans with the following information shall be submitted to the St. Charles Parish Department of Planning and Zoning for review:


1.                     Name, address, email and phone number of the property owner.


2.                     Name, address, email and phone number of the designated agent or representative of the property owner.


3.                     Certified survey with a north arrow, bounding streets, existing and proposed servitudes and rights-of-way, name of subdivision, lot and square number, and the physical address of the subject property.


4.                     Proposed and existing structures with the square footage of each structure, square footage of development as a whole and elevations including primary material, primary colors and accent secondary colors.


5.                     Parking layout with the location of all parking spaces, number of required parking spaces, number of proposed parking spaces and type of parking.


6.                     Landscaping plan showing the location, type and number of planting materials and existing mature trees to be preserved.


7.                     Landscaping and buffering maintenance plan with a schedule of regular waterings, fertilization, removal of dead vegetation, and replacement with similar plantings to the original approved landscaping plan as well as replacement or repair of fences, walls and other required screening as needed.


8.                     Light fixtures with location, height, orientation, intensity, number, type, style, materials, color and method of illumination.


9.                     Location of service areas and waste containment, loading and unloading areas, along with buffers and fencing with location, height and length, and materials.


10.                     Location of drive-thru facilities along with location and dimension of menu boards with buffering from residential development.


11.                     Location and dimensions of all outdoor storage and permanent display areas.


12.                     Location of mechanical equipment and utility cabinets with location, type of material and dimensions of required screening.


13.                     Signs with number and locations of all ground or detached and attached signs, dimensions, areas and renderings with area calculations of total detached or ground signs and total attached signs for the development.


14.                     Location and dimensions of required public infrastructure including but not limited to water, drainage, sewer, sidewalks, access to and from the development site, and the development’s relationship with public rights-of-way and servitudes.


15.                     Any other information as may be necessary to completely describe the proposed development and structures.


B.                     Site Plan Approval Process:

1.                     The Planning and Zoning Department is charged with site plan review and coordination with other parish and state departments as appropriate to determine whether the site plan submittal meets all applicable codes. Until a site plan is approved, no building or structure shall be erected, added to or structurally altered, no parking lot shall be paved, added to or structurally altered, and no building permit or certificate of completeness shall be issued.


2.                     An approved site plan duly signed and dated by the Planning Director or his designated representative shall constitute the official instrument that governs the development and use of the property.  Building and other pertinent permits may be issued based on the approved site plan and in accordance with Chapter 6, Buildings and Building Regulations, Article II, Building and Related Construction Codes, of the St. Charles Parish Code of Ordinances and other pertinent parish regulations.


3.                     Any deviation from an approved site plan shall be considered a violation of the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance as per Section XII. - Violation and penalty.


4.                     Final site plan approval shall be valid for a period of one (1) year.


5.                     If no building permit is issued during the one (1) year site plan validation period or if the building permit lapses and has not been reactivated, then the approved site plan shall be deemed null and void.


C.                     Minor Changes to a Site Plan:

Minor changes to an approved site plan shall be submitted to and may be approved by the Planning Director to facilitate construction and site improvements if such minor changes will not change the character of the approved development or structures, increase the density, floor area, intensity of use or ground coverage.  Additionally, no increase in total building site area, in spaces between buildings, the ratio of off-street parking and off-street loading area to gross floor area, or gross floor area shall be considered a minor change.


D.                     Amendment to a Site Plan:

Pursuant to the same standards and procedures by which the site plan was approved, any site plan may be amended, either partially or completely, if all land and structures remaining under such site plan comply with all regulations established by all applicable codes.


E.                     Phased Development:

1.                     Developments within an approved site plan may be developed in phases, provided that more restrictive land uses and the necessary public infrastructure improvements are completed first and the time frame for phases is submitted at the time of the application for site plan review.


2.                     Approval of the phased development of an approved site plan is voided if development does not begin within one (1) year and completed within two (2) years.  Additional time may be granted by the Planning Director if completion of the approved site plan is assured.  In no case shall any phased development exceed a four-year period.


E.                     Applicability: The requirements of this section shall apply to new construction. For existing sites and redevelopment the requirements of this section shall apply to all additions of fifty (50) percent or more to the floor area. For existing sites and redevelopment with additions of less than fifty (50) percent of the floor area, the Zoning Regulatory Administrator shall determine the applicability of this section to the required site plan.


A. F.                     Off-street Parking in general:


B. G.                     Parking lot standards:


C. H.                     Off-Street Loading Facilities:


D. I.                     Landscaping requirements:


SECTION III. That the Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section XXI. Sign Regulations. is hereby amended with new text underlined and deleted text in strikethrough:


B.                     Definitions.


a.                     Awning sign - A sign incorporated into or attached to an awning.


b.                     Banner - Any sign consisting of flexible material such as cloth, paper, or plastic sheet attached to one (1) or more supports.


c.                     Building - Any structure designed or built for the support, enclosure, shelter, or protection of a person, animals, chattel, or property of any kind.


d.                     Building frontage - Building frontages are exterior building walls facing a right-of-way or private roadway, and any other exterior building wall facing a parking lot which contains a public entry to the occupant's premises.


e.                     Directional signs - Directional signs are signs which shall be installed by the Parish on public rights-of-way to direct persons to facilities, offices, or areas of public service (i.e. public park sites, government offices or facilities, office of a government official). A directional sign will be a single or double faced sign not exceeding six (6) square feet containing the Parish logo. A directional sign will be designed to guide or direct vehicular traffic or pedestrians to the area or facility of public service. Where more than one (1) facility, office or area of public service is located, the directional sign may contain multiple names (i.e. Courthouse/School. 


f.                     Electronic message center - Signs whose message or display is presented with patterns of lights that may be changed at intermittent intervals by an electronic process.


g.                     Fascia sign - A single-faced sign attached flush to a building.


h.                     General advertising sign (includes billboards). Any sign which is not an on-premises sign, relating to a business activity, use or service not carried on the premises upon which the sign is placed, or to a product not sold, handled, produced, or fabricated on the premises upon which the sign is placed. General advertising signs shall be allowed only in the CR-1, C-1, C-2, C-3, M-1, M-2 and M-3 zoning districts.


i.                     Ground sign - Shall mean any sign which is supported by structures or supports in the ground and is independent of support from any building.


Incidental sign - A small attached sign located on the door or entrance to the building identifying the name of the business, contact information, hours of operation and whether the business is open or closed.


j. Lighting methods -

(1)                     Direct - Exposed lighting or neon tubes on the sign face.

(2)                     Flashing - Lights which blink on and off randomly or in sequence.

(3)                     Indirect - The light source is separate from the sign face or cabinet and is directed so as to shine on the sign.

(4)                     Internal - The light source is concealed within the sign.


k. Maintenance - Normal care needed to keep a sign functional such as cleaning, oiling, and changing of light bulbs.


l. Marquee sign - A sign incorporated into or attached to a marquee or permanent canopy.


Menu board - A detached or ground sign erected as part of a drive-through facility used to display and provide pricing for food or other goods that may contain a two-way speaker system for taking orders.


Monument sign - A detached or ground sign with the entire length in contact with the ground or a low-level pedestal that rests upon the ground.


m. Moving parts - Features or parts of a sign structure which through mechanical means are intended to move, swing or have some motion.

n. Nonconforming sign - A sign or sign structure lawfully erected and properly maintained that would not be allowed under the sign regulations presently applicable to the site.


o. Off-premises sign - A sign which identifies or gives directional information to a business not located on the property on which the sign is located.


p. On-premises sign - A sign relating only to the main use of the premises on which the sign is located, or indicating the name and address of a building or the occupants or management of a building on the premises where the sign is located.


q. Painted wall highlights - Painted wall highlights are painted areas which highlight a building's architectural or structural features.


r. Permanent sign - A sign attached to a building, structure, or the ground in some manner requiring a permit and made of materials intended for more than short-term use.


s. Portable sign - Any sign that is not firmly anchored and secured to either a building or the ground.


t. Projecting sign - A sign attached to and projecting out from a building face or wall and generally at right angles to the building.


u. Rotating sign - Sign faces or portions of a sign face which revolve around a central axis.


v. Sign - Any device designed to convey information visually and which is exposed to public view.


w. Sign structure - A structure specifically intended for supporting or containing a sign.


x. Site - A parcel of land occupied or intended for occupancy by a use permitted in this ordinance including permitted buildings together with accessory buildings, the yard area and parking spaces required by this ordinance.


y. Site frontage - The length of the property line parallel to and along each public right-of-way or private roadway.


z. Structural alteration - Modification of the size, shape, or height of a sign structure. Also includes replacement of sign structure materials with other than comparable materials, for example metal parts replacing wood parts.


aa. Temporary rigid sign - A temporary sign, other than a lawn sign, made of rigid materials such as wood, plywood, plastic.


bb. Temporary sign - A sign not permanently attached to a building, structure, or the ground.


cc. Vision clearance area - Those areas near intersections of roadways and ingress and egress points where a clear field of vision is necessary for public safety.


dd. Wall sign - Any single-faced sign facing a public thoroughfare or parking area, which is attached to, painted on, or incorporated into the exterior wall of a building.


Window sign - An attached sign affixed to the surface of a window with its message intended to be read or viewed from the exterior of the building.



C.                     General Sign Standards.

6.                     For multi-faced signs the area of each individual sign face is counted towards the total allowable sign area (e.g. where 100 square feet of total sign area is allowed, each face of a double-faced sign is limited to 50 square feet).


The foregoing ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:





                     And the ordinance was declared adopted this ______ day of __________, 2024, to become effective five (5) days after publication in the Official Journal.





DLVD/PARISH PRESIDENT:                                                                                     

APPROVED :                       DISAPPROVED:                                           


PARISH PRESIDENT:                                                                                                          


AT:                        RECD BY: