In Memoriam: Minister Mona Thomas Honor
The Parish of St. Charles
WHEREAS, on June 23, 2008, Almighty God, in His Infinite Wisdom, has seen fit to call from among us one of His most worthy servants, Minister Mona Thomas Honor; and,
WHEREAS, Minister Mona a native and life-long resident of Luling, Louisiana, was a loving wife, mother, and grandmother and a dedicated Public Servant; and,
WHEREAS, Minister Mona was employed for the past 10 years with St. Charles Parish Public Schools as a School Bus Driver. She went beyond the call of duty; treating each of her students as if they were her own children by counseling, nurturing, encouraging, and praying for many of her students, as well as her co-workers. She loved her job and was honored to be a School Bus Driver; and,
WHEREAS, on July 12, 2003, Minister Mona accepted her call into Ministry, thus receiving her Minister License. Her compassion to encourage others led her to minister to those who were sick and shut-in, those in nursing facilities, and those incarcerated; and,
WHEREAS, Minister Mona was a very active member of the Mt. Airy Baptist Church in Boutte; served as President and Member of the Inspirational Choir, Senior Choir, and Praise Team; attended Missions, Bible Classes, and Intercessory Prayer, Healing & Deliverance Services; and was a dedicated member of the Mt. Airy Sword Women's Ministry; and,
WHEREAS, Minister Mona found spiritual satisfaction and great joy from serving as the Founder and President of the Tender Loving Care Ministry, which specializes in the needs of the elderly. The vision of "T.L.C." Ministry was birthed after the passing of her Mother; she saw a need for the care and recognition of the elderly in the communities of St. Charles Parish; and,
WHEREAS, one of Minister Mona's favorite songs was "If I Can Help Somebody as I Pass Along, Then My Living Will Not Be in Vain"; truly her life was not in vain. She impacted the lives of many people; and,
WHEREAS, words cannot adequately express or convey the appreciation felt by all of us for the many years of dedicated public service rendered by Minister Mona to St. Charles Parish.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE ST. CHARLES PARISH COUNCIL AND THE PARISH PRESIDENT, duly assembled on this 2nd day of February 2009, do hereby posthumously recognize and honor
FEBRUARY 8, 1958 - JUNE 23, 2008
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that when this Meeting is adjourned, it shall be done in memory of MINISTER MONA THOMAS HONOR.
created in 1807 from the county of the
"German Coast", a parish of
unprecedented economic and social
development, known for its
hospitality, rural living and sporting
opportunitiesÂ… with the added
distinction of being located
on both sides of the
Mighty Mississippi River.