ORDINANCE NO. _________
An ordinance to amend Ordinance 81-10-6, the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance of 1981, as amended, Section III; Section VI.A.[I.].1. c.; Section VI D.[I.]1.c.; Section VI.D. [II.]1.a.; and Section VII.1. to add definitions, specify permitted primary uses and accessory uses in appropriate Zoning Districts, and add supplemental use and performance regulations for Large Solar Energy Systems (LSES) and Small Solar Energy Systems (SSES) in order to regulate and promote renewable energy production.
WHEREAS, the St. Charles Parish 2030 Comprehensive Plan, updated 12/1/2022, includes Land Use Action LU 4.2 "Remove or adjust inadvertent impediments to sustainable development (e.g. existing restrictions on uses, or dimensional standards) that may prevent the use of renewable energy production technologies..." (p. 55); and,
WHEREAS, the transition to clean energy through development of a clean, renewable, and resilient power grid has been identified in the Louisiana Climate Action Plan, 2022 as a strategy for achieving net zero emissions; and,
WHEREAS, power generation by solar energy systems is an integral component of renewable electricity generation; and,
WHEREAS, the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance of 1981 currently lacks provisions specific to solar energy systems; and,
WHEREAS, the St. Charles Parish Council wishes to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its residents, businesses, and visitors through the regulation and promotion of orderly development and use of land; and
WHEREAS, expanding appropriate permitted uses in suitable zoning districts promotes economic development; and,
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Department recommended approval of these amendments; and,
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with the following recommended change to Section VI at its regular meeting on February...
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