File #: 2019-0130    Version: 1 Name: Calling for PP to perform his duties and obligation in carrying out the duties and obligation incumbent upon the Parish by the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement the Parish has with the SDD
Type: Resolution Status: Postponed Indefinitely
File created: 4/22/2019 In control: Parish Council
On agenda: 4/22/2019 Final action: 4/22/2019
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: A resolution calling for the Parish President to perform his duties and obligation in carrying out the duties and obligation incumbent upon the Parish by the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement the Parish has with the Sunset Drainage District with respect to maintaining its levee, which has not been done and which is putting the District at risk in the event of a major hurricane striking St. Charles Parish.
Sponsors: Paul J. Hogan
Indexes: Sunset Drg/SCP Admin
Attachments: 1. 2019-0130 Postponed proposed Reso
Related files: 2013-0268, 2019-0110, 2019-0004, 2019-0046, 2018-0232, 2014-0115, 2014-0320, 2014-0332, 2015-0072, 2015-0223, 2015-0357, 2016-0137, 2016-0152, 2016-0166, 2017-0029, 2013-0323, 2013-0417, 2013-0249
A resolution calling for the Parish President to perform his duties and obligation in carrying out the duties and obligation incumbent upon the Parish by the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement the Parish has with the Sunset Drainage District with respect to maintaining its levee, which has not been done and which is putting the District at risk in the event of a major hurricane striking St. Charles Parish.
WHEREAS, the St. Charles Parish Council adopted Ordinance No. 13-8-5 on August 5, 2013, which appointed and designated the St. Charles Parish Council as the governing authority of the Sunset Drainage District and transferred all functions of said Board of Commissioners of the Sunset Drainage District to the St. Charles Parish Council effective August 15, 2013; and,
WHEREAS, at the special meeting held on October 6, 2014, the St. Charles Parish Council, acting as the Governing Authority of the Sunset Drainage District, adopted Resolution No. 6104 approving and authorizing the execution of a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement by and between St. Charles Parish and Sunset Drainage District; and,
WHEREAS, at the regular meeting held on October 6, 2014, the St. Charles Parish Council adopted Ordinance No. 14-10-10 approving and authorizing the execution of a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement by and between St. Charles Parish and Sunset Drainage District; and,
WHEREAS, part of the duties and responsibilities incumbent upon the Parish was to maintain, repair, and/or rehabilitate earthen levees, and the Parish President became responsible for carrying out what is required of the Parish; and,
WHEREAS, September 2018, elevation information was collected by the Parish indicated that Sunset Drainage District levee had sank in various areas between 0.5 and 1.4 feet; on October 2, 2018, a letter was forwarded to the Parish President expressing the levee elevation concern; and,

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