ORDINANCE NO. __________
An ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of an Act of Donation by and between Gwendolyn Dufrene Morel, Branson Des Allemands Properties, L.L.C., Brandt Dufrene, Jr., and Stephen Dufrene, (hereinafter referred to as the Dufrenes) and St. Charles Parish for a certain tract of land known as Tract 3 being described as a portion of Lots 251-259, Lots 328-338 of the Paradis Field Map formally owned by Chevron U.S.A., Inc. and portions of the Coteau de France Ranson Tract, situated in St. Charles Parish, in what is known as the Paradis Field Map, in Section 31 and 43, Township 14 South, Range 20 East, Southeastern West of the Mississippi River Land District, South of US 90, West of LA 621, East of Bayou Des Allemands and comprising approximately 7.51 acres, which abuts property owned by St. Charles for the boat launch and park along Bayou Des Allemands.
WHEREAS, St. Charles Parish is continuously searching for ways to enhance recreational opportunities along its many waterways for its residents; and,
WHEREAS, St. Charles Parish and the Dufrenes have reached an agreement that benefits the residents of St. Charles and the surrounding area; and,
WHEREAS, The Dufrenes have agreed to donate certain property to St. Charles Parish, more particularly described in detail in the attached Act of Donation; and,
WHEREAS, St. Charles Parish needs this property to enhance the property on which a boat launch and park can be built.
SECTION I. The St. Charles Parish Council hereby approves the Act of Donation from Gwendolyn Dufrene Morel, Branson Des Allemands Properties, L.L.C., Brandt Dufrene, Jr., and Stephen Dufrene to St. Charles Parish for property known as Tract 3 being described as a portion of Lots 251-259, Lots 328-338 of the Paradis Field Map formally owned by Chevron U.S.A., Inc. and portions of the Coteau de France ...
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