ORDINANCE NO. __________
An ordinance to amend the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance to require a six (6) foot high solid wood, vinyl, or masonry fence and a landscaped buffer area where commercial or industrial uses in an M-1 zoning district are permitted abutting residential zoning districts or uses.
WHEREAS, the protection of a six (6) foot high solid fence and a ten (10) feet fifteen foot (15') buffer zone is required where commercial development in CR-1, C-1, C-2, and C-3 zoning districts is permitted abutting residential zoning districts or uses; and,
WHEREAS, the same protection is not required where commercial or light industrial uses are permitted in M-1 zoning districts abutting residential zoning districts or uses; and,
WHEREAS, residential zoning districts and uses abut land zoned M-1 in many areas of St. Charles Parish; and
WHEREAS, the St. Charles Parish Council wishes to protect residential areas from negative impacts that may arise from commercial and light industrial uses,
THE ST. CHARLES PARISH COUNCIL HEREBY ORDAINS that Appendix A. Section VI. D. [I] M-1 :Light Manufacturing and industry district of the St. Charles Parish Code of Ordinances is amended as follows:
4. Special Provisions
a. Special Provisions: No manufacturing operations within the M-1 zoning district shall emit odors, gas or fumes beyond the lot line or produce a glare beyond the lot line. All facilities shall be dust-proofed including walkways, driveways and parking areas. All operations must be constructed conducted within a building or within an area enclosed on all sides by a solid fence or wall no less than six (6) feet in height. (Ord. No. 89-2-13, 2-20-89).
b. Where any industrial or commercial use in an M-1 zoning district abuts any residential district or use, a six-foot high solid wood or vinyl fence or masonry wall shall border the same an...
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