ORDINANCE NO. ____________
An ordinance to roll back Parish Government millage rate by 3.0 mils for Tax Payers in St. Charles Parish under the jurisdiction of the said governing authority. This reduction in ad valorem property tax rate is to keep total collection of taxes the same. To reflect the increased tax collection due to higher appraised property values.
WHEREAS, on September 18, 2004, citizens of St. Charles Parish overwhelmingly rejected any new tax millage up to $12.5 million and proposed .75 mills towards maintenance of a civic center (Proposition 1 and Proposition 2); and,
WHEREAS, the Parish President has submitted a proposal on August 2, 2007 to reduce the millage rate by 0.1 mil without any proposal to reduce cost on the expenditure side; and,
WHEREAS, state mandated assessment of 2004 increased collection by $2,700,000; and,
WHEREAS, refinancing of debt obligations over the years has increased the available cash by $3,600,000, adding to the budget to meet increased operational cost of government; and,
WHEREAS, the Tax Assessor has notified homeowners of substantial increases in assessed values anywhere for 40% to 400%, a four fold increase in taxes due, starting in 2005; and,
WHEREAS, new quadrennial assessment is due for 2008 which will add to the burdens of tax payers; and,
WHEREAS, the Tax Assessor met with citizens complaining on the unfairness of the Louisiana State law, millage increase, property value increase and total tax increase from $15.76 MM in 1992 to $39.38 MM in 2002, an increase of $23.63 MM in 10 years; and,
WHEREAS, the 2008 tax assessment will result in an undue burden on working families, early retirees, fixed income folks, creating a huge windfall for public bodies squeezing the middle class; and,
WHEREAS, sales tax collections in the preceding years have increased post Katrina resulting in windfall to taxing authorities in the P...
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