A resolution authorizing the Chairman or the Secretary to offer no objection to Houston Energy Operating, LP, CUP #P20141174 for a permit to clear and grade an area to construct a boarded entrance for an access road (3,100 linear feet), widen 800 linear feet of an existing levee road, and construct a 275 foot by 375' ring leveed area for the purpose of preparing a site to drill the Riverbend Prospect Well, at Section 43, 45, T13S-R21E; Section 40, T14S-R21E; near Boutte, in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana.
BE IT RESOLVED by the St. Charles Parish Council acting as the Governing Authority of the Parish:
SECTION I. That the Chairman or the Secretary be and is hereby authorized to offer no objection in connection with the application of Houston Energy Operating, LP, CUP #P20141174 for a permit to clear and grade an area to construct a boarded entrance for an access road (3,100 linear feet), widen 800 linear feet of an existing levee road, and construct a 275 foot by 375' ring leveed area for the purpose of preparing a site to drill the Riverbend Prospect Well, at Section 43, 45, T13S-R21E; Section 40, T14S-R21E; near Boutte, in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana.
SECTION III. That the offer of no objection shall be issued contingent upon the said Houston Energy Operating, LP, their transferees, and/or assigns agreeing to and complying with the provision that should changes in the conditions in the vicinity be required in the future, they will make such changes as may be necessary to satisfactorily meet the situation and shall bear the cost thereof.
SECTION IV. That a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to all interested parties.
The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:
And the resolution was declared adopted this ______ day of __________, 2015, to become effective five (...
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