Meeting Name: Parish Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/18/2001 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers, Courthouse
Budget Hearing - Minutes
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2001-0369 1 Contract with B & K Construction Co., Inc. for the construction of Project P000311 Bar None East Jack and Bore in the amount of $99,830.00OrdinanceAn ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a contract with B & K Construction Co., Inc. for the construction of Project P000311 Bar None East Jack and Bore in the amount of $99,830.00.ReconsideredPass Action details Not available
2001-0369 1 Contract with B & K Construction Co., Inc. for the construction of Project P000311 Bar None East Jack and Bore in the amount of $99,830.00OrdinanceAn ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a contract with B & K Construction Co., Inc. for the construction of Project P000311 Bar None East Jack and Bore in the amount of $99,830.00.Tabled.Pass Action details Not available
2001-0086 3 Appropriation of Funds for the St. Charles Parish Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2002.OrdinanceAn Ordinance for the appropriation of Funds for the St. Charles Parish Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2002.Public Hearing Requirements Satisfied  Action details Not available
2001-0086 3 Appropriation of Funds for the St. Charles Parish Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2002.OrdinanceAn Ordinance for the appropriation of Funds for the St. Charles Parish Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2002.Public Hearing Requirements Satisfied  Action details Not available
2001-0086 3 Appropriation of Funds for the St. Charles Parish Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2002.OrdinanceAn Ordinance for the appropriation of Funds for the St. Charles Parish Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2002.Public Hearing Requirements Satisfied  Action details Not available
2001-0086 3 Appropriation of Funds for the St. Charles Parish Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2002.OrdinanceAn Ordinance for the appropriation of Funds for the St. Charles Parish Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2002.Amendments Recorded  Action details Not available
2001-0086 3 Appropriation of Funds for the St. Charles Parish Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2002.OrdinanceAn Ordinance for the appropriation of Funds for the St. Charles Parish Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2002.Approved as AmendedPass Action details Not available