| 1 | | United Way Pacesetter Campaign | Proclamation | Proclamation: United Way Pacesetter Campaign | | |
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| 1 | | Mr. Steve Sawyer, Cox Communications | Report | Mr. Steve Sawyer, Cox Communications | | |
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| 1 | | Rebowe & Company: 1998 Audit Report | Report | Rebowe & Company: 1998 Audit Report | | |
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| 1 | | R.S.V.P. - Fay Caire | Report | R.S.V.P. - Fay Caire | | |
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| 1 | | Levy an assessment on the ad valorem tax bills delinquent in paying outstanding invoices for removal of weeds, grass, etc. and delinquent in paying outstanding charges incurred for the removal of trash and debris | Ordinance | An ordinance to levy an assessment on the ad valorem tax bills of property owners that are delinquent in paying outstanding invoices for removal of weeds, grass, etc. in accordance with the St. Charles Parish Code, Chapter 16, Article III, Weeds, Grass, etc. and An ordinance to levy an assessment on the ad valorem tax bills of property owners that are delinquent in paying outstanding charges incurred for the removal of trash and debris in accordance with Chapter 16, Article IV, Sec. 16-48(b). | | |
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| 1 | | Amend Code by revising Section II requiring identification and installation of permanent uniform markers on servitudes in St. Charles Parish | Ordinance | An ordinance of the Parish of St. Charles providing that the Code of Ordinances, Parish of St. Charles be amended by revising Section II requiring identification and installation of permanent uniform markers on servitudes in St. Charles Parish. | | |
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| 1 | | Agreement State of Louisiana, Governor's Office of Elderly Affairs, and the St. Charles Parish Council/Programs for the Elderly/RSVP, to receive state funding to operate the St. Charles Parish RSVP for the period January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2000 | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of an Agreement between the State of Louisiana, Governor's Office of Elderly Affairs, and the St. Charles Parish Council/Programs for the Elderly/RSVP, to receive state funding to operate the St. Charles Parish Retired Senior Volunteer Program for the period January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2000. | | |
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| 2 | | Amend Code revise Appendix C, Subdivision Regulations, to require Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in all new developments; to require design standards to conform to data contained in the LDOTD Manuals | Ordinance | An ordinance of the Parish of St. Charles, providing that the Code of Ordinances, Parish of St. Charles be amended by revising Appendix C, the St. Charles Parish Subdivision Regulations of 1981, to require Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in all new developments; to require conformance with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Standard Specifications for Roads & Bridges. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend Code revise Appendix C, Subdivision Regulations, require subsurface drainage in New Developments and require 60 foot right-of-way for collector and local streets | Ordinance | An ordinance of the Parish of St. Charles, providing that the Code of Ordinances, Parish of St. Charles, be amended by revising Appendix C, the St. Charles Parish Subdivision Regulations of 1981, to require subsurface drainage in new developments; to require a sixty (60) foot right-of-way for collector and local streets; to require conformance with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Standard Specifications for Roads & Bridges. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend Code, Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance, revise Section VI.H[2], Historic District, increase zone protection to 1000 feet | Ordinance | An ordinance of the Parish of St. Charles providing that the Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Parish of St. Charles, State of Louisiana be amended by revising Section VI.H.[2.], Historic District, to increase the zone of protection to 1000 feet. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend Code, Appendix A, Sect. XI.C.3.c., Zoning Ordinance, require a survey for construction projects 500 square feet and over | Ordinance | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Sections XI.C.3.c. of the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance of 1981, requiring a survey for construction projects five hundred (500) square feet and over. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend the Zoning Ordinance B-1 to B-2, Giambelluca | Ordinance | An Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Ordinance No. 81-10-6, adopted October 19, 1981 to approve the change of zoning classification from B-1 to B-2 on a certain portion of land on the batture of the Mississippi River in Section 3, T13S, R20E, Hahnville; LA as shown on a survey by BFM Corporation date February 15, 1985; as requested by the Giambelluca Land Development Company, Inc. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend the Zoning Ordinance R-1A to CR-1, Ackerman | Ordinance | An Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Ordinance No. 81-10-6, adopted October 19, 1981 to approve the change of zoning classification from R-1A to CR-1 on lots 2 and 3 and portions of lots 1 and E of Goodhope Plantation, at property located at the corner of 6th and Apple Street, Norco., as requested by Barbara Ackerman. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend the Zoning Ordinance R-1A(M) to R-1A, Huey Rivet | Ordinance | An Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Ordinance No. 81-10-6, adopted October 19, 1981 to approve the change of zoning classification from R-1A(M) to R-1A on portions of lots 908, 909, 910, 911-C, 971, 972, 973, and 976 of Sunset Drainage District, at property located north of LA 306 approximately 100 feet east of Badeaux Lane, as requested by Huey J. Rivet. | | |
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| 1 | | Home Occupation-Mary and Richard Ruffino, Destrehan | Ordinance | An ordinance approving and authorizing the establishment of a Home Occupation under the operation of Mary and Richard Ruffino, 360 Rosedale Drive, Destrehan, LA for "Ruffino's Artichokes and Stuff", a wholesale catering business to sell stuffed artichokes. | | |
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| 1 | | Home Occupation-Rolanda Smith,Hahnville, "Snack Shack" | Ordinance | An ordinance approving and authorizing the establishment of a Home Occupation under the operation of Rolanda Smith, 318 Julia Street, Hahnville, LA for "Snack Shack", a snack shop to sell candy, drinks and ice cream. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend the Zoning Ordinance C-1 to R-1A, Madere | Ordinance | An Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Ordinance No. 81-10-6, adopted October 19, 1981 to approve the change of zoning classification from C-1 to R-1A on lots 4 and 5 and portions of lots 1, 2 and 3 of Keller Acres; and from R-1A to C-2 on the proposed lots P1 and P2 of Pap's Place, at property located at 15717 River Road, Hahnvile, La., as requested by Keller P. and Carolyn C. Madere. | | |
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| 1 | * | Amend Motor Vehicles & Traffic-surplus funds from fees levied for services rendered by Hahnville Field Office. | Ordinance | An ordinance of the Parish of St. Charles providing that the Code of Ordinances, Parish of St. Charles be amended by revising Chapter 15, Motor Vehicles & Traffic, providing that the Parish Council Chairman shall be authorized to approve the expenditure of surplus funds from fees levied for services rendered by Hahnville Field Office. | | |
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| 1 | * | Revoke and abandon First Street, Wesco Subdivision, Norco | Ordinance | An ordinance to revoke and abandon First Street in Wesco Subdivision, Norco, said property serving no public use. | | |
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| 1 | * | Revoke and abandon Wesco Road, in Norco, Louisiana, said property serving no public use | Ordinance | An ordinance to revoke and abandon Wesco Road, in Norco, Louisiana, said property serving no public use. | | |
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| 1 | * | Revise Chapter 2 Administration-provide that all persons may voluntarily sign a Visitors Register;provide mandatory security clearance for all persons prior to entering the Parish Council Chambers | Ordinance | An ordinance of the Parish of St. Charles providing that the Code of Ordinances, Parish of St. Charles, be amended by revising Chapter 2 Administration to provide mandatory security clearance through metal detectors for all persons prior to entering the Parish Council Meetings. | | |
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| 1 | * | Endorsement of Union Carbide Corporation to participate in the benefits of the Louisiana Enterprise Zone Program | Resolution | Resolution stating the St. Charles Parish Council's endorsement of Union Carbide Corporation to participate in the benefits of the Louisiana Enterprise Zone Program. | | |
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| 1 | | Supporting authorization street right-of-way width, street width, front yard setback and minimum distance of parking spaces | Resolution | A resolution providing mandatory supporting authorization for a variation to the minimum street right of way width, street width, front yard setback and minimum distance of parking spaces from a dedicated parish street as outlined in Planning & Zoning Commission Case PZS-99-59. | | |
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| 1 | | Supporting authorization street right-of-way width, street width, front yard setback and minimum distance of parking spaces | Resolution | A resolution providing mandatory supporting authorization for a variation to the minimum street right of way width, street width, front yard setback and minimum distance of parking spaces from a dedicated parish street as outlined in Planning & Zoning Commission Case PZS-99-59. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend Zoning Ordinance - C-3 to M-1 at property located south of Airline Hwy., St. Rose near Riverbend Boulevard as requested by Scott Monsted, et al, 14.8 acres, Section 39 T12SR9E | Ordinance | An Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Ordinance No. 81-10-6, adopted October 19, 1981 to approve the change of zoning classification from C-3 to M-1 at property located south of Airline Hwy., approx. 410 ft. east of Riverbend Blvd., St. Rose, La. as requested by Scott Monsted, etal. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend Zoning Ordinance - C-3 to M-1 at property located south of Airline Hwy., St. Rose near Riverbend Boulevard as requested by Scott Monsted, et al, 14.8 acres, Section 39 T12SR9E | Ordinance | An Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Ordinance No. 81-10-6, adopted October 19, 1981 to approve the change of zoning classification from C-3 to M-1 at property located south of Airline Hwy., approx. 410 ft. east of Riverbend Blvd., St. Rose, La. as requested by Scott Monsted, etal. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend the Zoning Ordinance change of zoning classification from R-1A and C-3 to C-3 and R-1A at the Ashton Plantation site, as requested by William J. Hooper. | Ordinance | An Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Ordinance No. 81-10-6, adopted October 19, 1981 to approve the change of zoning classification from R-1A and C-3 to C-3 and R-1A at the Ashton Plantation site, Luling, La, as requested by William J. Hooper. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend the Zoning Ordinance change of zoning classification from R-1A and C-3 to C-3 and R-1A at the Ashton Plantation site, as requested by William J. Hooper. | Ordinance | An Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Ordinance No. 81-10-6, adopted October 19, 1981 to approve the change of zoning classification from R-1A and C-3 to C-3 and R-1A at the Ashton Plantation site, Luling, La, as requested by William J. Hooper. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend the Zoning Ordinance change of zoning classification from R-1A and C-3 to C-3 and R-1A at the Ashton Plantation site, as requested by William J. Hooper. | Ordinance | An Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of 1981, Ordinance No. 81-10-6, adopted October 19, 1981 to approve the change of zoning classification from R-1A and C-3 to C-3 and R-1A at the Ashton Plantation site, Luling, La, as requested by William J. Hooper. | | |
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| 1 | | 1999 Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget | Ordinance | An ordinance to amend the 1999 Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget, Road and Drainage Fund, to provide revenues for a grant from the Corps of Engineers and expenditures to purchase equipment for Davis Pond. | | |
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| 1 | | 1999 Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget | Ordinance | An ordinance to amend the 1999 Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget, Road and Drainage Fund, to provide revenues for a grant from the Corps of Engineers and expenditures to purchase equipment for Davis Pond. | | |
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| 1 | | Parish Coastal Wetland Restoration Program | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize a Cooperative Agreement between St. Charles Parish and the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, for the "Parish Coastal Wetland Restoration Program." | | |
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| 1 | | Parish Coastal Wetland Restoration Program | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize a Cooperative Agreement between St. Charles Parish and the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, for the "Parish Coastal Wetland Restoration Program." | | |
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| 1 | | Approve and authorize the execution of a contract with Allen & LeBlanc, LLC for the Hahnville Water Main Improvements LA 3160 | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a contract with Allen & LeBlanc, LLC for the Hahnville Water Main Improvements LA 3160 - Industrial Plant Road to Sewerage Treatment Plant Road in the amount of $122,980.00. | | |
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| 1 | | Approve and authorize the execution of a contract with Allen & LeBlanc, LLC for the Hahnville Water Main Improvements LA 3160 | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a contract with Allen & LeBlanc, LLC for the Hahnville Water Main Improvements LA 3160 - Industrial Plant Road to Sewerage Treatment Plant Road in the amount of $122,980.00. | | |
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| 1 | | Revising Chapter 2, to provide a $40 per diem to be paid to the Zoning Board of Adjustment Members | Ordinance | An ordinance of the Parish of St. Charles providing that the Code of Ordinances, Parish of St. Charles, be amended by revising Chapter 2, to provide a $40 per diem to be paid to the Zoning Board of Adjustment Members. | | |
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| 1 | | Revising Chapter 2, to provide a $40 per diem to be paid to the Zoning Board of Adjustment Members | Ordinance | An ordinance of the Parish of St. Charles providing that the Code of Ordinances, Parish of St. Charles, be amended by revising Chapter 2, to provide a $40 per diem to be paid to the Zoning Board of Adjustment Members. | | |
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| 1 | | change the Lessor's name for the Killona Boat Launch from Trudy Haydel Olsen, et al to Esperanza Land Company, Paul A. Lorio and Joan Nunez Lorio | Ordinance | An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 84-4-13 to change the Lessor's name for the Killona Boat Launch from Trudy Haydel Olsen, et al to Esperanza Land Company, Paul A. Lorio and Joan Nunez Lorio. | | |
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| 1 | | change the Lessor's name for the Killona Boat Launch from Trudy Haydel Olsen, et al to Esperanza Land Company, Paul A. Lorio and Joan Nunez Lorio | Ordinance | An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 84-4-13 to change the Lessor's name for the Killona Boat Launch from Trudy Haydel Olsen, et al to Esperanza Land Company, Paul A. Lorio and Joan Nunez Lorio. | | |
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| 1 | | approving and authorizing the execution of an Act of Dedication for the Primrose Estates | Ordinance | An ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of an Act of Dedication for the Primrose Estates Subdivision, Luling, La. | | |
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| 1 | | approving and authorizing the execution of an Act of Dedication for the Primrose Estates | Ordinance | An ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of an Act of Dedication for the Primrose Estates Subdivision, Luling, La. | | |
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| 1 | | approving and authorizing the execution of an Act of Dedication for the Primrose Estates | Ordinance | An ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of an Act of Dedication for the Primrose Estates Subdivision, Luling, La. | | |
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| 1 | | approving and authorizing the execution of an Act of Dedication for the Primrose Estates | Ordinance | An ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of an Act of Dedication for the Primrose Estates Subdivision, Luling, La. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend Code-Appendix A, affecting the storage and use of hazardous materials in the M-1 Light Manufacturing and Industry District. | Ordinance | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance of 1981, through clarification of land use regulations affecting the storage and use of hazardous materials in the M-1 Light Manufacturing and Industry District. | | |
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| 1 | | Amend Code-Appendix A, affecting the storage and use of hazardous materials in the M-1 Light Manufacturing and Industry District. | Ordinance | An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, the St. Charles Parish Zoning Ordinance of 1981, through clarification of land use regulations affecting the storage and use of hazardous materials in the M-1 Light Manufacturing and Industry District. | | |
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| 1 | | Contract Picciola Construction Company, Inc. for the Generator Building and Foundation - Luling Water Plant $200,300.00 | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a contract with Picciola Construction Company, Inc. for the Generator Building and Foundation - Luling Water Plant in the amount of $200,300.00. | | |
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| 1 | | Contract Picciola Construction Company, Inc. for the Generator Building and Foundation - Luling Water Plant $200,300.00 | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a contract with Picciola Construction Company, Inc. for the Generator Building and Foundation - Luling Water Plant in the amount of $200,300.00. | | |
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| 1 | | Request comprehensive remedial investigation by EPA / LDEQ of the Oil Transport/Bayou Fleet Property Hahnville, LA (LDEQ Docket Nos. LE-C-91-0001 and LE-P-91-001) | Resolution | A resolution to request a comprehensive remedial investigation by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality of the Oil Transport/Bayou Fleet Property in Hahnville, LA (LDEQ Docket Nos. LE-C-91-0001 and LE-P-91-0001). | | |
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| 1 | | Request comprehensive remedial investigation by EPA / LDEQ of the Oil Transport/Bayou Fleet Property Hahnville, LA (LDEQ Docket Nos. LE-C-91-0001 and LE-P-91-001) | Resolution | A resolution to request a comprehensive remedial investigation by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality of the Oil Transport/Bayou Fleet Property in Hahnville, LA (LDEQ Docket Nos. LE-C-91-0001 and LE-P-91-0001). | | |
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| 1 | | Request comprehensive remedial investigation by EPA / LDEQ of the Oil Transport/Bayou Fleet Property Hahnville, LA (LDEQ Docket Nos. LE-C-91-0001 and LE-P-91-001) | Resolution | A resolution to request a comprehensive remedial investigation by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality of the Oil Transport/Bayou Fleet Property in Hahnville, LA (LDEQ Docket Nos. LE-C-91-0001 and LE-P-91-0001). | | |
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| 1 | | Request comprehensive remedial investigation by EPA / LDEQ of the Oil Transport/Bayou Fleet Property Hahnville, LA (LDEQ Docket Nos. LE-C-91-0001 and LE-P-91-001) | Resolution | A resolution to request a comprehensive remedial investigation by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality of the Oil Transport/Bayou Fleet Property in Hahnville, LA (LDEQ Docket Nos. LE-C-91-0001 and LE-P-91-0001). | | |
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| 2 | | Request comprehensive remedial investigation by EPA / LDEQ of the Oil Transport/Bayou Fleet Property Hahnville, LA (LDEQ Docket Nos. LE-C-91-0001 and LE-P-91-001) | Resolution | A resolution to request a comprehensive remedial investigation by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality of the Oil Transport/Bayou Fleet Property in Hahnville, LA (LDEQ Docket Nos. LE-C-91-0001 and LE-P-91-0001). | | |
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| 1 | | Appointment of a committee to develop shelter for housing displaced citizens due to hurricanes, problems at plants, etc. | Resolution | A resolution requesting the appointment of a committee to develop shelter for housing displaced citizens due to hurricanes, problems at plants, etc. | | |
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| 1 | | Act of Cash Sale, servitude sewer force main, Lots 6 & 7 Victoria Plantation, New Sarpy for $800.00 from Lucille J. Clark and Livie Clark White | Ordinance | An ordinance approving an Act of Cash Sale attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", from Lucille J. Clark and Livie Clark White to St. Charles Parish. | | |
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| 1 | | Act of Cash Sale Sewer Force Main Servitude, Janet Mitchell, Lot 10, New Sarpy Subdivision, $400.00 | Ordinance | An ordinance approving an Act of Cash Sale attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", from Janet Mitchell to St. Charles Parish. | | |
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| 1 | | Act of Cash Sale-Myrtle A. Sellier, Sewer Force Main Servitude, Lots 39, 40, 41, and 42, New Sarpy Subdivision, $1,600.00. | Ordinance | An ordinance approving an Act of Cash Sale attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", from Myrtle A. Seller to St. Charles Parish. | | |
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| 1 | | Contract with Civil Construction Contractors, Inc. for the construction of the Paul Maillard Road / Boutte Canal Crossing Project $305,644.00 | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a contract with Civil Construction Contractors, Inc. for the construction of the Paul Maillard Road / Boutte Canal Crossing Project in the amount of $305,644.00. | | |
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| 1 | | Pipeline Crossing Contract KCSRC Montz/Norco Pump Station and Force Main Project 10" underground Wastewater Pipeline. M.P. 844.1. | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a Pipeline Crossing Contract with The Kansas City Southern Railway Company for the Montz / Norco Pump Stations and Force Mains Project covering proposed 10-inch underground wastewater pipeline crossing at M.P. 844.1 near Norco, LA. | | |
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| 1 | | Pipeline Crossing Contract KCSRC Montz/Norco Pump Station and Force Main Project 18" underground Wastewater Pipeline. M.P. 849.48. | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a Pipeline Crossing Contract with The Kansas City Southern Railway Company for the Montz / Norco Pump Stations and Force Mains Project covering proposed 18-inch underground wastewater pipeline crossing at M.P. 849.48' near Norco, LA. | | |
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| 1 | | Drainage Facility & Waterway Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Company for the Sugarhouse Road Bore & Jack Project. (Folder No. 01755-54) | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a Drainage Facility & Waterway Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Company for the Sugarhouse Road Bore & Jack Project. (Folder No. 01755-54) | | |
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| 1 | | Contract with D & O Contractors, Inc. for the construction of the Ama Pump Station and Force Main Project $1,538,117.30 | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a contract with D & O Contractors, Inc. for the construction of the Ama Pump Station and Force Main Project in the amount of $1,538,117.30. | | |
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| 1 | | Contract with Allen & LeBlanc, L.L.C. for the construction of the Killona Pump Station and Force Main Project $858,734.50 | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a contract with Allen & LeBlanc, L.L.C. for the construction of the Killona Pump Station and Force Main Project in the amount of $858,734.50. | | |
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| 1 | | License for Underground Pipelines, Cables and Conduits with the Illinois Central Railroad Company for the Destrehan Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Project | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of a License for Underground Pipelines, Cables and Conduits with the Illinois Central Railroad Company for the Destrehan Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. | | |
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| 1 | | Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Company for the Fashion Plantation Estates Bore & Jack Project (Folder No. 01771-84) | Ordinance | An ordianance to approve and authorize the execution of a Drainage Facility & Waterway Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Company for the Fashion Plantation Estates Bore & Jack Project (Folder No. 01771-84) | | |
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| 1 | | Change Order No. One (1) for the Davis-Barton Drainage Improvements for the West Bank Drainage Improvements increase contract by $100,279.00 and increase contract time by 45 calendar days | Ordinance | An ordinance to approve and authorize the execution of Change Order No. One (1) for the Davis-Barton Drainage Improvements for the West Bank Drainage Improvements to increase the contract amount by $100,279.00 and increase the contract time by 45 calendar days. | | |
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| 1 | | Mr. Brian J. Cannon | Public Speaker | Mr. Brian J. Cannon: Erosion of St. Charles Parish drainage canal on private property of Ormond Trace, Destrehan, LA | | |
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| 1 | | Mr. Kenneth D. Pace | Public Speaker | Mr. Kenneth D. Pace: Changing Hwy 90 to I-49, the effect on Local Businesses and related topics | | |
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| 1 | | Mr. Mark Stewart | Public Speaker | Mr. Mark Stewart: Erosion of St. Charles Parish drainage canal on private property of Ormond Trace, Destrehan, LA | | |
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| 1 | | Mr. Stanford Caillouet | Public Speaker | Mr. Stanford Caillouet: Council Conduct, West Bank Levee, Moratorium | | |
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| 1 | | VETO MESSAGE | Veto Message | VETO MESSAGE | | |
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| 1 | | Administration end negotiations with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Ordinance | An ordinance directing that the Administration end negotiations with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and proceed with acquisition of right-of-way design and construction of levee. | | |
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| 1 | | Variation to the minimum street frontage (50' rather than 60') as outlined in Planning & Zoning Commission Case PZS-99-72 | Resolution | A resolution providing mandatory supporting authorization for a variation to the minimum street frontage (50' rather than 60') as outlined in Planning & Zoning Commission Case PZS-99-72. | | |
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| 1 | | Special Permit to locate a Correctional Facility in an MS Zoning District | Resolution | A resolution providing mandatory supporting authorization for a Special Permit to locate a Correctional Facility in an MS Zoning District as outlined in Planning & Zoning Commission Case PZSPU-99-08. | | |
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| 1 | | Appoint Mr. Ziggy Sobolewski to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. | Appointment | A resolution appointing Mr. Ziggy Sobolewski to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. | | |
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| 1 | | Appointing Industrial Development Board | Appointment | A resolution appointing Mr. Timothy J. Vial to the St. Charles Parish Industrial Development Board. | | |
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| 1 | | Accept resignation of Mr. Roland A. Becnel, Jr. - Industrial Development Board | Appointment | Accept resignation of Mr. Roland A. Becnel, Jr. - Industrial Development Board | | |
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