Meeting Name: Contract/Finance and Administrative Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/17/2000 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers, Courthouse
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
1999-4942 1 Report: Hospital Service DistrictReportReport: Hospital Service DistrictReported  Action details Not available
2000-0092 1 Ad Valorem Tax Renewal - Road LightResolutionAd Valorem Tax Renewals - Road LightDiscussed.  Action details Not available
2000-0092 1 Ad Valorem Tax Renewal - Road LightResolutionAd Valorem Tax Renewals - Road LightMotionPass Action details Not available
2000-0026 1 Amend Council Expense Regulations - Council vehiclesResolutionA resolution to amend the St. Charles Parish Council Expense Regulations to add a provision regarding Council vehicles.Not Addressed  Action details Not available
2000-0091 1 POLICY to provide that only authorized Parish personnel shall be allowed in the Parish Council and Administrative offices after hours, before, during and after meetings (including Executive Sessions) of the Parish Council, or Boards or Agencies.ResolutionA resolution establishing a POLICY to provide that only authorized Parish personnel shall be allowed in the Parish Council and Administrative offices after hours, in particular, before, during and after meetings (including Executive Sessions) of the Parish Council, or any of its Boards or Agencies.Not Addressed  Action details Not available
1999-4848   Revise Chapter 2 Administration-provide that all persons may voluntarily sign a Visitors Register;provide mandatory security clearance for all persons prior to entering the Parish Council ChambersOrdinanceAn ordinance of the Parish of St. Charles providing that the Code of Ordinances, Parish of St. Charles, be amended by revising Chapter 2 Administration to provide mandatory security clearance through metal detectors for all persons prior to entering the Parish Council Meetings.Not Addressed  Action details Not available
2000-0093 1 Ad Valorem Tax Renewal - 911ResolutionAd Valorem - 911Not Addressed  Action details Not available
2000-0094 1 Ad Valorem Tax Renewal - LibraryResolutionAd Valorem Tax Renewal - LibraryNot Addressed  Action details Not available
2000-0095 1 ARC's Cooperative Endeavor AgreementOrdinanceARC's Cooperative Endeavor AgreementNot Addressed  Action details Not available
1999-5063   Approve the permanent acquisition of Lots 42, 44 and 46, Ranson Tract, Coteau de France, Des Allemands, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana.OrdinanceAn ordinance approving the permanent acquisition of Lots 42, 44, and 46, Ranson Tract, Coteau de France, DesAllemands, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana.Not Addressed  Action details Not available