From:                              Kimberly Marousek

Sent:                               Thursday, March 04, 2010 6:01 PM

To:                                   Wendy Watkins

Subject:                          FW: Planing & Zoning Letter.doc



Please scan for the file.




From: Egle' Jr, Paul (PA) []
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 5:51 PM
To: Kimberly Marousek
Subject: Planing & Zoning Letter.doc


Dear Parish Counsel or Planning and Zoning Commission,

My name is Paul Egle’. I am the resident at 10681 Hwy 90 Luling LA. I am a born and raised resident of ST. Charles parish who lives next to one of the properties Neil Klooley is trying to rezone as commercial and I appose this rezoning. The main reason I bought and built my home in this location was to get away from the commercial build up that has been taking place in St. Charles Parish. I don’t believe rezoning any of this land along HWY 90 will benefit anyone except Neil Klooley. I have read paper work for the request of the rezone and don’t understand the logic. In this paper work I believe it states about the prime location along Hwy 90. My understanding is that Hwy 90 will be I 49 in the future and from all models I have seen this will be an elevated road way with no off ramps between Avondale and Lake Wood drive in Luling. Explain to us how this will be prime suited for commercial grow. Their will be very little traffic on the two lane road that will be under the overpass. All so I have seen no plans or statements with Neil’s intended use of this land. I do not think this land should be rezoned with out a plan or a list of future plans as to why he wants to make these properties commercial. I believe the main reason any of this has been brought about is because Neil did not follow the correct path to obtain permits for the construction work taken place on a piece of residential zoned land and another property zoned as wetlands. The preexisting construction work taken place (as listed in the request for rezoning papers) on one of his residential properties was not preexisting before Nov. of 2009. This property was modified with no intention of being rezoned, until it was brought to the Parishes’ attention by the local residence and even then it seemed the Parish tried to turn a blind eye. Several attempts were made to bring this to Planning and Zonings attention and nothing was done for months. I could go on about how disappointed I am in my parish but I will leave it at that. This land is being used as commercial land wrongfully by a member of the zoning committee. I would think Neil of all people would know the rules. Apparently he knows how to work the system. I was told that the reason the construction equipment was not moved off of residential land was because the zoning committee did not feel the need to slow down the work on the levee. Well, the Corps of Eng. already had another location picked and this new location could have been getting prepared for the movement of equipment and trailers that are located on the residential land. This would have caused no delay. I get the feeling that the Zoning commission is catering to their friends needs and not the residence that have to live next to fuel tanks, dump trucks, contractor trailers, and workers urinating next to their trucks on residential zoned property. This has all taken place while my 12 year old daughter and her cousins are playing outside.

All so, this sight that is residential and being used as commercial is a major hazard to the people traveling on Hwy 90. It provides one extra place for these huge dump trucks to enter and exit the road. I am sure every one has herd about the death that happened on Tuesday morning 3/2/10 when a vehicle ran into the back of one of these dump trucks. Providing more locations for trucks to enter and exit the hwy will not do any good, but limiting there access and providing safety features can possibly stop this tragedy from happening again. I appose the rezoning of not only the land next to my home but to all the land that is being proposed. I hope the Zoning Commission can look at this rezoning through the eyes of a concerned citizen and make the reasonable choice.